Director's Corner
by Hitoshi Yamamoto
The physics case of the ILC boils down to three main points, says Hitoshi Yamamoto, Director for Physics and Detectors in the Linear Collider Collaboration. A physics case is a scientific justification based on studies and theory. And while the case for the linear collider has been made many times, the LC physics community thinks that it is now much clearer.
Video of the week
by Perrine Royole-Degieux
Professor David Gross speaks in strong support for the International Linear Collider, a "fantastic new accelerator". He says that for the exploation of the properties of the Higgs, the promise of new particles, forces and a new understanding the ILC is one of "the most exciting prospects." He says the he "applauds the Japanese government and Japanese colleagues for leading the effort to host the ILC in Japan, and I trust and hope that the international community will join this effort." David Gross was awarded the NobelPrize in Physics in 2004 along with Frank Wilczek and David Politzer. He is a theoretical physicist at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at UC Santa Barbara.
In the News
from CERN
17 March 2015
The combined mass of the Higgs boson is mH = 125.09 ± 0.24 (0.21 stat. ± 0.11 syst.) GeV, which corresponds to a measurement precision of better than 0.2%.
from Kahoku Shinpo
16 March 2015
石川幹子中央大教授は、北上エリアが環境、文化面で優位性を持つ半面、研究所計画と合わせた広域的な将来構想を欠いていると課題を指摘。「震災復興や人口減少対策とリンクした長期的なビジョンが必要だ」と訴えた。Mikiko Ishikawa, Professor of Chuo University, said that the Tohoku area has environment and cultural superiority. However she pointed out that the area lacks the the broad-based future concept along with the research planning, “we need a long-term vision linked with the earthquake reconstruction and population decline in the area.”
from Le Monde
16 mars 2015
L’idée est de faire de cette machine une sorte d’usine à boson de Higgs, capable de cerner les moindres recoins de la théorie. Si le LHC a identifié quelques centaines de ce nouveau venu, l’ILC en récolterait 70 000 et le FCC 2 millions selon les calculs prometteurs.
from New Scientist NL
15 March 2015
Sommige wetenschappers beweren dat botsingen tussen protonen niet de ideale manier zijn om de natuurkunde voorbij het standaardmodel te brengen. Er bestaan plannen voor preciezere elektronenversnellers: de International Linear Collider die misschien in Japan gebouwd gaat worden, of een circulaire deeltjesversneller bij Cern die tot wel 100 kilometer lang kan worden.
from The Japan Times
9 March 2015
As the disaster-hit Tohoku region struggles to recover from the deadly tsunami four years ago, many residents have hopes for what is considered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to galvanize the area’s resurrection.
Chances are the region may host the International Linear Collider, a state-of-the-art research facility physicists worldwide hope will shed light on the secrets of the universe.
from Tokyo Shinmbun
1 March 2015
KEK機構長を二〇〇六年度から務め、任期満了に伴い三月末で退任する。四月からは岩手県立大の学長として、人材育成やILCの国内誘致の実現に力を注ぐ。(Suzuki will leave KEK to Iwate Prefectural University as a President in April. He will contribute his energy for the development of human resources, and realization of the ILC construction in Japan)
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