by Rika Takahashi
On 22 April, participants to the Asian Linear Collider Workshop 2015 and special guests will be invited to a special Food Festa: “Taste of Discovery”. Here is a sneak peek on this unique event that will make tangible and savoury the international nature of the ILC project.
Video of the week
by Perrine Royole-Degieux
110 years ago, Albert Einstein published four historical papers... and a very famous equation.For this special birthday, Symmetry Magazine succeded to explain, in a very simple way, how E=mc2, an equation "used" everyday in particle accelerators, has radically changed our way of doing physics.
Watch the animation
and read also Symmetry Magazine's related article.
In the News
from CERN
2 April 2015
The teams are completing the final tests after having solved on 31 March the problem that had been delaying the restart of the accelerator. The first beams could be circulating in the machine sometime between Saturday and Monday.
from Reuters
31 March 2015
CERN engineers said on Tuesday they have resolved a problem that had delayed the relaunch after a two-year refit of the Large Hadron Collider particle smasher, which is probing the mysteries of the universe.
from nature
25 March 2015
Evans is now director of the Linear Collider Collaboration, which is planning a next-generation collider, but he says that he is still on hand to provide advice about the LHC.
from msn
24 March 2015
The proposed International Linear Collider, for instance, would be more than 20 miles…
from SLAC today
24 March 2015
His first job at SLAC was working on specialized electronics to trigger photographs of particle pathways in a detector called the SLAC Rapid Cycling Bubble Chamber. Freytag is now working on prototype electronics for a particle-measuring device that would be part of a proposed International Linear Collider.
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