Director's Corner
by Akira Yamamoto
A delegation from Kesen-Numa City, from Japan, led by the Mayor Mr. Shigeru Sugawara, visited CERN and the area around it from 18 to 20 May. The group consisted of 16 representatives from the city's Council, the Commercial and Industry Association, the Board of Education, the Reconstruction and Policy Planning Division and many other official bodies. They visited CERN to gather information on how a working laboratory functions and what it needs.
Image of the week
by Barbara Warmbein
The Japanese town Kesen-Numa has large expertise in the fishing and port industry, but they have never hosted a major international lab. A delegation recently visited CERN to learn how these labs work, what they need and what benefit they bring to their neighbours.
In the News
from GIZMODO Japan
27 May 2015
今以上に素粒子物理の研究を進めるにはILCの実現は必須だと研究者たちは言っています。(Scientists said that ILC is indispensable for advancing the particle physics. )
from Tokyo Calendar
26 May 2015
2020年の東京オリンピックのあと、ネオ・オリンピック事業として、いま注目され始めているのが「国際リニアコライダー計画」である。(The project which is getting recognition as “Neo-olympic” project after 2020 Tokyo Olympic is the International Linear Collider.)
from Kahoku Shinpo
23 May 2015
ILCの心臓部と言われる超電導加速空洞の製造に不可欠な「電解研磨」の大幅なコスト削減に、表面処理加工業のマルイ鍍金(めっき、兵庫県姫路市)の東北工場(八戸市)が挑んでいる。同社は新技術の開発により、研磨コストを少なくとも2分の1、最大で10分の1程度に抑えられるとみている。(Tohoku factory of Marui Galvanizing Co. Ltd. is challenging the significant cost reduction on the electropolishing of the inner surface of the superconducting accelerating cavity for the ILC. They are aiming to reduce the cost with their new technology by half to one tenth. )
from nature
15 May 2015
Detector teams at the Large Hadron Collider collaborated for a more precise estimate of the size of the Higgs boson.
6 May 2015
国際リニアコライダーの建設が日本のブレイクスルーになる (The construction of the ILC will the break through for Japan)
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