The delegation visited facilities like the medical service, the kindergarten or, pictured here, the CERN fire brigade. Image: LCC
A delegation from Kesen-Numa City, from Japan, led by the Mayor Mr. Shigeru Sugawara, visited CERN and the area around it from 18 to 20 May. The group consisted of 16 representatives from the city’s Council, the Commercial and Industry Association, the Board of Education, the Reconstruction and Policy Planning Division and many other official bodies.
Kesen-Numa is on of three cities anticipating to co-host the ILC accelerator site, if it is realised in northern Japan. It would play a key role of the ship hub-port for receiving heavy devices from abroad, such as the Superconducting Radiofrequency (SRF) cryo-modules and various detector components. Kesen-Numa city is aiming at to look at the CERN activities in close cooperation with regional communities and industry.
The delegation was first welcomed by the Director of Linear Collider Collaboration, Lyn Evans, at the CERN ATLAS visitor center. A general introduction of CERN was given by a member of the ATLAS Japan team, Taka Kondo (KEK), and then the delegation visited the Large Magnet Facility (B180), CERN control center (CCC), general service facilities like the kindergarten, the medical service, and the fire brigade, as well as the CMS site.

John Osborne (CERN) introduces the civil engineering fors for the CMS experiment and how the rock from digging the cavern was integrated into the countryside in cooperation with local authorities. Image: LCC
On the second day, a unique and special programme was coordinated by the CERN procurement officer, Cristina Lara, for them to see regional industrial partners and to recognise their contribution to the CERN activities, focusing on their daily technical support of 1500 persons, through service contracts with ALTEAD, ACTEMIUM, EMTE, and SERCO. It was a succession of very informative tours for much deeper understanding of CERN, representing the most successful international laboratory.
The Mayor Sugawara expressed his sincere thanks to all the arrangements dedicated to their visit to CERN, in these very productive two days.
I would personally like to thank all involved very much for the warm acceptance and all arrangement/hospitality provided by CERN staff members and industrial partners.
We are expecting also to receive the Governor of Miyagi Prefecture, the prefecture to which Kesen-Numa City belongs, to visit CERN in late July.
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