Video of the week
Let's look back for the last Linear Collider conference held in Japan in Spring. Videos of the Tokyo Event are now available on TouTube!
In the News
from NHK World On Demand
The rerun of the program broadcasted in 2013. Available untill July 29, 2015
In August 2013, the Kitakami mountain region in Japan’s north-east was chosen as the country’s candidate site for the International Linear Collider (ILC). The ILC is a mammoth project to build a huge underground particle accelerator over 30 kilometers long. It aims to recreate conditions in the universe right after the Big Bang, to track down unknown elementary particles and new physics phenomena. Tune in as we lift the veil on preparations for this colossal global project.
from Kahoku Shinpo
20 July 2015
「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」に関する講演会が、秋田北鷹高であり、岩手大工学部の成田晋也教授(高エネルギー物理学)がILCの意義や基礎物理学の役割を説明した。(The lecture about the ILC was held at Akita Hokuyou High school, and Shinya Narita from Iwate University explained the significance of the ILC and the role of the fundamental physics.)
from Iwate Nichi Nichi
19 July 2015
ILCの国内建設候補地となった北上高地の地質調査に向けた地元住民への説明会は18日、一関市大東町で開かれた。2012年度に続く調査で、今回は年内をめどに中心部の衝突点が想定される興田地区の未調査区域を調べる。(Public briefing on the geological survey for the ILC construction was held on 18 July at the Ichinoseki city, Iwate prefecture. This survey is the follow-up of the survey in 2012, to cover the uninvestigated area around the expect interactions point.)
from Tanko Nichi Nichi
6 July 2015
A town planning workshop held by Oshu City was held in the auditorium of Mizusawa Minami Community Center on July 5th. Thirty residents from those in their 20s to the more experienced crowd gathered together to give their opinions about issues like promoting industry and living with international residents.
from Gentside
19 June 2015
Un nouvel accélérateur linéaire de particules géant, International Linear Collider (ILC), viendra succéder, dans quelques années à l’actuel Large Hadron Collider.
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