

Japan’s expert panel for the ILC has published its summary report

by Rika Takahashi

Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has released its summary report of the discussions by the expert panel (ILC Advisory Panel) to investigate various issues regarding the ILC.


From symmetry: One Higgs is the loneliest number

Physicists discovered one type of Higgs boson in 2012. Now they’re looking for more.

When physicists discovered the Higgs boson in 2012, they declared the Standard Model of particle physics complete; they had finally found the missing piece of the particle puzzle. And yet, many questions remain about the basic components of the universe, including: Did we find the one and only type of Higgs boson? Or are there more?

Director's Corner

Addressing the known unknowns

by Brian Foster

I am sure that my readers will remember that in my last Director’s Corner, in April, I threatened to write at some future date about the new Project Implementation Planning (PIP) document. Those of you with an even longer memory, going back to my Director’s Corner of April 2014, may even remember what it is. Just in case, however, I take this opportunity not only to honour my promise of last April to also to refresh your memory and to offer you an opportunity to peruse the final document.

Image of the week

Calorimeters don’t take holidays

by Barbara Warmbein

Summer breaks don't exist for detector prototypes. For almost three weeks in July – around the time that a new temperature record of 39.7 degrees was measured in Geneva – the team working on the technological prototype of a potential hadronic calorimeter for the ILD detector at the ILC took data at the Super Proton Synchrotron test beam at CERN.

In the News

  • from Iwate Nichi Nichi
    3 August 2015

    一関市主催の2015年度第1回「いちのせきサイエンスカフェ」は2日、一関図書館で開かれた。小中学生や高校生、一般の幅広い年代から20人ほどが参加。専門家の講演を通じ、素粒子物理学の概要やILC誘致の意義について、理解を深めた。(“Ichinoseki Science Cafe” hosted by Ichinoseki city was held on 2 August at the Ichinoseki Library. 20 people including elementary and junior high school students listen to the lecture by the specialist improving their understandings of the significance of the ILC project)

  • from Channel Sakura
    28 July 2015

    日本の技術立国としての地位を確固たるもの­にする「投資」の概要を知るべく、三橋貴明がつくば市にあるエネルギー加速器機構(K­EK)で取材してきた、将来技術とイノベーションの可能性をレポートしていきます。(Takaaki Mitsuhashi will report the KEK visit to investigate the Japan’s possible “investment” to the ILC, to consolidate the nation’s position toward the technology-oriented country)

  • from Iwate Nippo
    26 July 2015

    ILCの誘致に向けたシンポジウム「ILC実現と地域社会の展望」は25日、奥州市水沢区の市文化会館で約400人が参加して開かれた。大船渡、陸前高田、住田、金ケ崎、奥州の5市町長が自治体の現状と課題、地域の特色とILC誘致を絡めた将来ビジョンを発表。(A symposium toward the realization of the ILC was held on 25 at a community hall at Mizusawa city. Mayors from 5 cities reported their future visions considering the ILC invitation to the area)