On October 6, 2015, KEK and the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) signed a Project Arrangement concerning high energy physics.
A signing ceremony was held at the American Ambassador's Residence in the presence of H.E. Ms. Caroline Kennedy, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of U.S.A and H.E. Mr. Hakubun Shimomura, then Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).
The history of the U.S. - Japan cooperation program in the field of high energy physics has lasted for more than 35 years, with distinguished research outcomes and many talented researchers fostered through the project.
H.E. Ms. Kennedy and H.E. Mr. Shimomura expressed admiration for fruitful cooperation between the U. S. and Japan on science and technology, mentioning meaningfulness for continuing the U. S. - Japan cooperation program in the field of high energy physics for the future.
With the conclusion of this Project Arrangement between KEK and DOE, further development of cooperation in research is expected among the U.S. and Japanese institutes in the field.
Image of the week
by Barbara Warmbein
Probably the most advanced ultra-thin pixel sensors ever: DEPFET. Developed for the ILD detector’s vertex subdetector, they will be used in the Belle II detector – an extreme example of fast-forward technology spin-off. The first full-size module for use in Belle II has just been completed. It comprises a thin sensitive area (75 microns) with roughly 200,000 DEPFET pixels and the monolithically integrated silicon support frame with all necessary read-out electronics. Stay tuned for a more detailed report in a future issue of NewsLine.
In the News
from Iwate Nippo
11 October 2015
高木毅復興相は10日、就任後初めて本県を訪れ、県庁で達増知事と会談した。国際リニアコライダー(ILC)の本県誘致に向けた支援も求めたという。(The Reconstruction Minister, Tsuyoshi Takagi visited Iwate Prefecture on 10 October. Iwate Governor Takuya Tasso requested for the support to invite the ILC to the prefecture)
from Yomiuri Shimbun
08 October 2015
海外の研究者らに向け、「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」の候補地・北上山地周辺の魅力を紹介しようと、県ILC推進協議会が英語版の広報誌「THE KITAKAMI TIMES」をインターネット上で創刊した。(Iwate Prefecture International Linear Collider Promotion Council has published their first edition of the “THE KITAKAMI TIMES”, a web based magazine to introduce the ILC candidate site)
from Iwate Nichi Nichi
07 October 2015
県立水沢高校で6日、スーパーサイエンスハイスクール事業の講演会が開かれた。前高エネルギー加速器研究機構長の鈴木厚人県立大学長が講演し、北上山地(北上高地)が国内建設候補地となっている国際リニアコライダー(ILC)の素粒子研究や、研究によってもたらされる効果などを語った。(Atsuto Suzuki, president of Iwate Prefectural University gave a lecture on 6 October to students of Mizusawa High School as a part of Super Science High School project. He explained about research and possible effect of the ILC)
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