

The ultimate collider gift list

by Barbara Warmbein

Do you know a linear collider enthusiast and would you like to surprise him or her with a gift? Or are you a linear collider enthusiast and as such too busy to go gift shopping? Then agonise no more. We’ve done some extensive research and proudly present a list of some of the best linear-collider-related gifts available online…

Around the World

New working group toward ILC in Japan meets for the first time

by Rika Takahashi

Getting the best people from all over the world is one of the biggest challenges to realise the International Linear Collider, the next-generation electron-positron collider. That’s why there’s a new working group on human resources, called into being by Japan’s ILC Advisory Panel, to tackle the issue before the ILC has even been approved.

Director's Corner

LHC Run-2 results to point the way

by Philip Burrows

Phil Burrows, acting Associate Director for the Compact Linear Collider Study in the Linear Collider Collaboration, says the linear collider community should be prepared for new results from the LHC over the course of the coming years, with the first to be announced next week. They will help us decide which future path we should take.

Image of the week

Quench your thirst for the ILC

by Rika Takahashi

Pin badges, flags and banners, paper folders, cakes... There are various promotional goods produced by kind supporters for the ILC. Now, we have ILC Coke!

In the News

  • from TRIUMF
    7 December 2015

    TRIUMF and KEK have shared multiple collaborative projects in these areas, with current efforts relating to T2K, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, the proposed International Linear Collider, materials and molecular sciences, and particle physics experiments using neutrons, muons and kaons, in addition to the Belle II experiment. This new agreement will provide enhanced opportunity to better advance scientific discovery.

  • from Nikkei Business
    7 December 2015

    新たな素粒子が見つかれば、宇宙誕生の謎を解明できる可能性も。日本で“究極の加速器”建設構想が浮上するが、実現には課題もある(全文を読むためには会員登録が必要です)。(Log-in required article: We might be able to unravel the mystery of the universe with the new particle to be found at the accelerator experiment. There is a plan to construct the ultimate accelerator in Japan. To realise the project, there are some issues to clear.)

  • from Iwate Nippo
    7 December 2015

    海外渡航経験がある県内の若者らによる交流活動組織「世界とのかけはしクラブ」が6日、始動した。国際リニアコライダー(ILC)の誘致実現を見据えたグローバル人材の育成などにつなげようと、県が本年度始めた新事業。(On 6 December, a network of younger generation who have studied abroad kicked off their activity. This project is launched by Iwate prefecture eying the possibility of construction of the ILC in the region.)

  • from Denki Shimbun
    03 December 2015

    は2日、政府・省庁、自民党、新潟を含む東北7県選出の国会議員に対し、第三次安倍改造内閣に対する要望活動を行った。国際リニアコライダー(ILC)の誘致および東北放射光施設の整備など主要4項目を盛り込んだ要望書を関係者などに手渡した。(Tohoku Ecomomic Federation lobbied government officials and diet members elected in seven prefectures on 2 December, handed out the demanding paper with four requests including the promotion of the ILC to reflecte a policy making of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s third Cabinet.)

  • from Mail on Sunday
    1 December 2015

    Particle accelerators weigh thousands of tonnes and span miles
    New design aims to create mini accelerator using silica chip and laser light
    Scaling down could make accelerators more accessible to researchers
    High-powered particle accelerators could help uncover a multiverse

  • from Live Science
    30 November 2015

    Scientists could soon develop particle accelerators that can fit into a shoebox, experts say.
    The project, which is still in its infancy, would rely on lasers, rather than microwaves, to ramp particles to near light speed.