

A dream comes true

by Barry Barish

The direct detection of gravitational waves, announced today by the LIGO-VIRGO scientific collaborations, marks another great day in the history of fundamental research. It is the product of years of preparation, data taking and hard scientific work and provides just as many answers as new questions to physics. One man has witnessed the project’s history and its breakthrough first hand and provides his personal view of the story (and what it means for other science projects): former ILC Director Barry Barish.


Here’s your physics case, once and for all

by Barbara Warmbein

Dear colleagues, this one is for you. All those paper writing thesis completing report submitting physicists out there: here comes a new central paper for your list of references and your reading list. It provides a comprehensive physics case for the e+e- linear collider and puts all the topics and ideas from theory, collider searches, astronomy in context to each other. It’s been published in the open-access peer-reviewed European Physical Journal C (EPJC).

Director's Corner

Towards an Asian Strategy for Particle Physics?

by Akira Yamamoto

Akira Yamamoto, Regional Director for Asia in the Linear Collider Collaboration, had to learn this week that ACFA isn’t what he thought it is. ACFA stands for Asian Committee for Future Accelerators, and contrary to what its name suggests it is an independent body, not a subgroup of the International Committee for Future Accelerators ICFA. He reports from their recent meeting in Kyoto, Japan.

Image of the week

ARUP tool shortlisted for prestigious prize

by Barbara Warmbein

Remember the ingenious civil engineering tool that British consultancy ARUP has developed for CERN's FCC and that is also being used for site-specific planning of the ILC? That thing where you can play around with shafts, tunnels and rock formations without leaving your desk? It's been shortlisted for a prestigious award, so keep your fingers crossed.

In the News

  • from Iwate Nippo
    09 February 2016

    県国際リニアコライダー推進協議会(谷村邦久会長)は8日、盛岡市内のホテルでイノベーション・経済波及効果調査委員会の初会合を開いた。国際リニアコライダー(ILC)実現により本県で見込まれる多面的な効果を分析し、日本政府の誘致決断に弾みをつけるのが狙い。5~6月ごろ最初のリポートを取りまとめる方向だ。Iwate prefectural ILC council had their first meeting of the inovation and economic impact study committee on 8 January, aiming to give a push for japanese government’s decision making for the ILC. They are planning to publish first report in this spring.)

  • from Yomiuri Shimbun
    08 February 2016

    20年東京五輪や国際リニアコライダー(ILC)誘致などによる旅行者増を見据え、受け入れ態勢の整備を支援する「いわてインバウンド新時代戦略事業費」にも1億1100万円を盛り込んだ。(Iwate prefecture includede the bdget for preaparation for the increased numbers of the tourists by 2020 Tokyo Olympic game and the ILC.)

  • from 21stoleti
    27 January 2016

    Mezinárodní lineární urychlovač (International Linear Collider – ILC), jenž má vzniknout v Japonsku, je zase o krok blíž. Japonská národní výzkumná organizace (KEK) předložila podrobný plán, jak projekt za miliardy dolarů zvládnout. Počítá s trojnásobným navýšením příslušných vědeckých a inženýrských pracovních pozic v průběhu příštích 4 let. (The ILC , which should be built in Japan , is one step closer . KEK has submitted a detailed plan of how the project will cost . With three counts increase in relevant scientific and engineering jobs over the next four years .)