
Around the World

More time for collaboration

by Barbara Warmbein

DESY and KEK are two labs that have a lot in common. They know a lot about accelerators, operated and have operated a number of them in their long and eventful histories. They are their countries’ hubs for particle physics research, but they also run accelerators for photon science. They are national labs that collaborate closely with other institutes and labs from around the world. And, notably, with each other. At the recent DESY KEK Workshop at DESY in Hamburg, Germany, the two therefore decided to extend the existing cooperation agreement by another five years.


Big science needs international partnership

by Rika Takahashi

After a strategic US-Japan meeting earlier this year, the delegates from Japan recently briefed their colleagues on the outcome of the various discussions. The US and Japan have strong ties in science and technology, and the ILC plays an important role.

Director's Corner

Morioka welcomes next LC workshop

by Hitoshi Yamamoto

In northern Japan, Iwate prefecture is full of cultural and natural attractions and – even more important – very ILC friendly. Local governments support the ILC with enthusiasm and the local population is quite knowledgeable about the ILC, from children to grandparents. Attendants of the next LCWS2016 workshop will have the opportunity to see it by themselves while in Morioka next December.

Image of the week

Thirst for knowledge – the ILC vending machine

Image: Iwate Prefecture International Linear Collider Promotion Council

Fancying a coffee in Morioka? Supporting the ILC? You could do both at the same time with the ILC vending machine. For each cup, part of the proceeds will go to the Iwate ILC Promotion Council. You will find it on the third floor of the Malios skyscraper next to Morioka Station.

In the News

  • from Kahoku Shinpo
    22 March 2016

    経済評論家の三橋貴明氏が東北復興と日本の経済成長をテーマに基調講演。デフレ脱却策として公共投資の重要性を説き、「東北の復興事業や世界中の知性が集まる国際リニアコライダー(ILC)に、政府は積極的に投資するべきだ」と語った。(Takaaki Mitsuhashi, an economic analyst gave a keynote lecture about Tohoku’s reconstruction and economic growth. He stressed the importance of public investment as deflation measures, and said “Japanese government should invest in ILC where intelligence from all over the world will gather”.)

  • from Kitakami Times
    11 March 2016

    If the ILC is built here, the collider will stretch from Oshu and Ichinoseki inland to Kesennuma on the coast of Miyagi Prefecture. Parts will be shipped to harbors like the one in Kesennuma, and factories may be built in the surrounding areas.

  • from Europa Press
    7 March 2016

    Para ello se han usado nuevos detectores de píxeles desarrollados en la colaboración internacional DEPFET para el Colisionador Lineal Internacional (ILC). Estos detectores, más integrados y eficaces, están diseñados para un acelerador de partículas electrón-positrón, por lo que encajan perfectamente en Belle II. La fase de comisionado de las mejoras en los haces y el experimento Belle II está prevista en 2017.