
Director's Corner

Driving cooperation projects forward

The 38th US-Japan HEP meeting

by Harry Weerts

The US and Japan work together on a long list of projects in high-energy physics, from current experiments to future plans. At an annual meeting of the “Joint Committee” in Japan, four new projects were added to the list of joint activities, and Harry Weerts, regional director for the Americas, reports that he sees progress on ILC work in Japan, but that US authorities are waiting for a sign from their Japanese counterparts before the project can go ahead.

Around the World

From metal sheet to particle accelerator (Part 1of 3)

Passing the halfway point: 50 XFEL accelerator modules have been tested at DESY

by Ricarda Laasch

If you're an electron, a ride in a cavity is pretty much the coolest thing that can happen to you. If you're an accelerator and you need huge numbers of cavities you better make sure they're all of outstanding quality – which is what the X-ray free-electron laser European XFEL under construction in Hamburg has just finished. In a series first published in DESY inForm, we look at how a niobium sheet turns into a curvy beauty.

Around the World

French linear collider days review Linear Collider status

by Roman Pöschl (CNRS/LAL)

For their 4th edition, the French Linear Collider Days brought participants to Paris to review recent national development on accelerator, physics and detectors as well as to hear about the global progress of the project at the international level. The meeting was jointly organised by members of CEA/Irfu and IN2P3. Roman Pöschl, member of the organisation committee, summarises.

Image of the week

Advertising past and future sights

Iwate Prefecture in Japan is advertising the attractions of its region in four Tokyo subway lines. It proudly presents the world heritage site of Hiraizumi – as well as its possible future attraction, the ILC! Some things are more likely to happen in Japan than in any other country...

In the News

  • from Kahoku Shinpo
    31 March 2016

    「東北ILC推進協議会」代表の里見進東北大総長と高橋宏明東北経済連合会会長は31日、文部科学省を訪れ、馳浩文科相に国内誘致の早期決定などを求める要望書を手渡した。(Susumu Satomi, President of Tohoku Universty and Hiroaki Takahashi, Chair of Tohoku Economic federation visited Minister of MEXT, Horofumi Hase on 31 March, and handed a petition asking for the government’s positive reaction for inviting the ILC to japan)

  • from IN2P3 news
    31 March 2016

    Le CNRS apporte une contribution importante à ce projet via des activités à l’interface entre machine et détecteur (…) Les équipes françaises acquièrent ainsi de l’expertise dans des domaines touchant les futurs projets de collisionneurs d’électrons et/ou de positons à plus haute énergie (comme l’International Linear Collider – ILC – au Japon, le futur collisionneur circulaire du Cern et Circular Electron Positron Collider – CEPC – en Chine).

  • from Iwate Nippo
    30 March 2016

    県立大(滝沢市)の鈴木厚人学長による国際リニアコライダー(ILC)講演会は29日、大船渡市内のホテルで開かれた。鈴木学長は東北、日本の真の復興の象徴となりうる国際的な「知の拠点」形成が、地方創生につながると訴えた。(…) 欧州合同原子核研究所(CERN、スイス)に毎年10万人の観光客が訪れていることを踏まえた経済効果や誘客効果にも言及。「ILC誘致は地方都市をグローバル都市に変革させ、経済活性化につながる」と強調した。(A lecture by Iwate Prefectural University president Atsuto Suzuki about the International Linear Collider was held at a hotel in Ofunato City on March 29th. President Suzuki stated that the formation of the international “knowledge hub,” which could become the symbol of true recovery for Tohoku and Japan, would lead to regional revitalization (…) He also mentioned economic benefits and bringing more visitors to the region based on the 100,000 visitors coming to CERN in Switzerland every year, emphasizing that “Bringing the ILC will transform regional cities into global cities, and lead to an invigorated economy.”)
    Read full translation provided by Iwate & the ILC website here.

  • from Iwate Nippo
    26 March 2016

    約170の国や地域の議会が加盟する「列国議会同盟(IPU)」の会議が16~23日までザンビアで開かれ、ILCの実現へ、欧州の国会議員との関係構築を進めた鈴木氏は「IPUの場を活用し、欧州などとの枠組みづくりを進めたい」と今後を見据える。(The assembly for the Inter-Parliamentary Union, (…) was held in Zambia from March 16th to 23rd, with Liberal Democratic Party House of Representatives member Shunichi Suzuki participating as the head of the group of Diet members from Japan. Mr. Suzuki, who built relationships European members of parliament towards realizing the ILC, stated his plans for the future that “I want to make use of the IPU to establish frameworks with Europe and other countries.”)
    Full translation provided by Iwate & the ILC website here.

  • from Kahoku Shinpo
    23 March 2016

     経済評論家の三橋貴明氏が東北復興と日本の経済成長をテーマに基調講演。デフレ脱却策として公共投資の重要性を説き、「東北の復興事業や世界中の知性が集まる国際リニアコライダー(ILC)に、政府は積極的に投資するべきだ」と語った。(A symposium to discuss the urban development and disaster prevention was held in the hotel in Sendai on 22 March. Takaaki Mitsuhashi, a economic analyst and a speaker at the symposium stressed the importance of investment in public sector as a deflation-fighting measures and said “Japanese government should invest aggressively into the earthquake reconstruction projects and the ILC, where the intelligence from all over the world will gather)

  • from (Art Project)
    19 January 2016

    The other main purpose [of building the ILC] would be to produce copious quantities of the Higgs Boson, something like 20.000 Higgs Bosons a year, every one of which we could study and analyze. So this is the ideal place to pick apart the Higgs Boson. And of course we’re hoping to see evidence for new physics processes, maybe supersymmetric particles.