

Spain and Japan strengthen industrial collaboration toward the ILC

by Tohru Takahashi (Hiroshima University)

A Spanish Japanese Collaboration in industry and science? Yes, a collaboration which just took another important step to strengthen this relationship at May 13th at the Collaboration Opportunities on Fusion and Accelerator Technologies and Projects workshop at the Spanish Embassy in Tokyo. Tohru Takahshi from Hiroshima University attended this workshop and offers his impressions about the actual developments and relations between Japan and Spain. In his short review of this event he included many details about the speakers, the Spanish Japanese History and of course a short look in further events.

Director's Corner

Coming up: the ECFA Linear Collider Workshop

by Mike Harrison

The ILC’s central region – the bits of accelerator and other technology around the point where particles will collide – will get special attention at the upcoming ECFA Linear Collider Workshop in Santander, Spain. But changes to the design, civil engineering issues and detector topics also feature on the agenda. ILC Director Mike Harrison looks forward to seeing his colleagues face to face, rather than by video.

Image of the week

German particle physics community gives “strongest support” to ILC

by Barbara Warmbein

It may feel like only yesterday that the update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics was adopted, but preparations for a new one, planned for 2018/19, are already underway. Germany has now published its first conclusions from a workshop on future electron-positron colliders that are very supportive of the ILC.

In the News

  • from Scientific American
    1 June 2016

    A proposed Japanese accelerator could solve those mysteries the LHC did not

  • from Kahoku Shinpo
    20 May 2016

    東経連ビジネスセンターは19日、仙台市青葉区の仙台国際センターであったG7財務相・中央銀行総裁会議の歓迎レセプション会場に特設ブースを設け地元企業の優れた技術や製品をPRした。ILCの誘致を目指す—東北ILC推進協議会も模型を展示。PR動画を上映し、誘致に積極的な姿勢をアピールした。(Tokeiren Business Center has set up a PR booth introducing goods and technlogies by local industries at the welcome reception of G7 Finance Ministers, Central Bank Governors meeting held in Sendai city, Japan. Tohoku ILC promotion council exhibit the ILC model and promotion video, emphasizing the strong commitment toward the ILC realization.)

  • from Iwate Nippo
    17 May 2016

    ILC計画の実現を目指す奥州市議会国際リニアコライダー誘致推進議員連盟は16日、超党派のリニアコライダー国際研究所建設推進議員連盟(会長・河村建夫衆院議員)に、計画の早期実現を要望した。(Federation of Oshu city council memebers for atracting the ILC visited Federation of Diet Members for the ILC on 19 May, asking for the early realization of the ILC.)

  • from The University of British Columbia
    16 May 2016

    TRIUMF and KEK have numerous shared projects in the areas of subatomic physics, accelerator science, and materials science. Current efforts include the T2K and Belle II experiments in Japan, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, and the proposed International Linear Collider The hope of this new office and indeed the new partnership agreement is to advance scientific discovery through enhanced bilateral collaboration.

  • from Iwate Nippo
    14 May 2016

    スペインと日本の核融合や加速器分野の協力強化に向けたワークショップが13日、東京・六本木のスペイン大使館で初開催され、ILC計画の実現に向け、両国の科学者や企業関係者らが連携を確認した。(A workshop to strengthen the relationship between Spanish and Japanese industries in the field of fusion and accelerator science was held on 13 May at the Embassy of Spain in Tokyo. Participants affirmed the collaboration toward the realization of the ILC.)

  • from Canarias7
    13 May 2016

    Científicos y empresarios españoles se reunieron este viernes en Tokio con investigadores nipones para discutir su posible participación en el futuro Colisionador Lineal Internacional (ILC), un proyecto de gran magnitud que Japón aspira a albergar.

  • from Iwate Nichi Nichi
    13 May 2016

    先進7カ国(G7)仙台財務相・中央銀行総裁会議開催記念シンポジウム「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)と東北の創造的復興」(東北経済連合会主催)は12日、仙台市内のホテルで開かれた。(On 12 May, Tohoku Economic Federation hosted a symposium regarding ILC and reconstruction of Tohoku area as a pre-event for the G7 Finance Ministers, Central Bank Governors meeting at a hotel in Sendai.)