Director's Corner
by Akira Yamamoto
The Japanese ministry of education, culture, sports, science and technology MEXT has been investigating the ILC project and the feasibility for it to be hosted in Japan with three working group activities on “Particle and Nuclear Physics” and “Technical Design Report validation” since JFY2014 and “Human Resource ensuring and training” since JFY2015, under the supervision of the ILC Advisory Panel coordinated by MEXT.
In the News
from Iwate Nippo
21 June 2016
ILC計画に関する文部科学省の有識者会議の「人材の確保・育成方策検証作業部会」は20日、同会議に提出する報告書案をまとめた。報告書は7月7日の有識者会議での議論を経て公表される。(The working group under MEXT’t expert panel which is discussing the human resource toward the ILC presented a draft of their report on 20th June. They will publish final version after the review of expert panel on 7 July.)
from The Kitakami Times
16 June 2016
The teams then hit the streets and headed to locations designated as portals on the Ingress map. On the way I pointed out the ILC flags stretching down a main street, banners and signs, posters in shop windows, and other messages of support for the ILC.
from Kitakami Times
31 May 2016
After careful thought, we decided on two messages: “ILCを東北に,” which means “Bring the ILC to Tohoku,” and “ILCとともに歩むまち,” which means “A City Moving Forward Together with the ILC.” The messages touch on our fervent hope for the ILC to become a reality, and our enthusiasm for working together with the ILC in the future.
from Iwate Nippo
28 May 2016
上條種稔(たねのり)君は「ILCができるかもしれない未来のことも思い浮かべて、自分の将来の夢を考えたい」と目を輝かせた。(“I want to imagine a future where the ILC might be built and think of my own future dreams,” said Tanenori Kamijo, with bright eyes.)
Read full translation provided by Iwate & the ILC website here.
from Iwate Nippo
15 May 2016
Interview with Lyn Evans: “I would like the relevant officials of Iwate to call on the national government for cooperation. There is steady scientific evidence for building the ILC. I also think that there is a meaningful societal component in bringing new relationships to the areas affected by the 2011 disaster. I want the Japanese government to move forward with us.”
from Iwate Nippo
15 May 2016
Dr. Nagano said, “The results of experiments at the LHC will further raise the value of the ILC. I’d love to do research in Iwate in the future.”
from Iwate Nippo
14 May 2016
In May 13th, it was made clear that arrangements are being made to set up a cooperative group of U.S. and Japanese government officials that will deliberate on specific issues regarding the International Linear Collider project (ILC).
from Iwate Nippo
13 May 2016
“The ILC and the Creative Reconstruction” was a symposium held in a hotel in Sendai on May 12th to celebrate the 2016 G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting in Sendai. The event was organized by the Tohoku Economic Federation (Tokeiren), which explained its outline for a “Grand Design”: a regional development plan being devised around the ILC. (Full translation provided by Iwate & the ILC website)
from Iwate Nippo
13 May 2016
The participants expressed their expectations of the region developing through industry growth and internationalization, but also brought up challenges like developing a cooperative structure so that small-to-medium-sized businesses can take part in the ILC.
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