Around the World
by Barbara Warmbein
Silicon detectors play a crucial role in particle detectors, both present experiment at the LHC and future experiments like the ILC. More than 80 calorimeter and silicon tracking experts attended a dedicated workshop on high-granularity silicon devices, held last month in Hamburg.
Image of the week
by Hitoshi Yamamoto
The top quark is one of the pillars of the physics topics that linear colliders address. From 6 to 9 July 2016, a dedicated workshop on top physics at the lepton colliders was held at KEK.
In the News
from Physics Today
21 July 2016
PT: Japan is the most likely host for a future International Linear Collider, an electron–positron collider (see Physics Today, March 2013, page 23). What’s your sense about whether the ILC will go ahead and whether it’s the best next step for high-energy physics?
GIANOTTI: Japan is consulting with international partners to see if a global collaboration can be built. It’s a difficult decision to be taken, and it has to be taken by the worldwide community. Europe will produce a new road map, the European Strategy for Particle Physics, on the time scale of 2019–20. That will be a good opportunity to think about the future of the discipline, based also on the results from the LHC Run 2 and other facilities in the world.
from University Journal
19 July 2016
国際リニアコライダー計画で、文部科学省の有識者会議は、エンジニアや精密加工要員らの戦略的な人材育成が必要とする報告書をまとめた。(Expert panl discussing the ILC have written up the report about the human resource, pointed out the needs of the strategic human resource cultivation to train future engineers and precision work technicians)
from The Kitakami Times
15 July 2016
This symposium was hosted by the Iwate Accelerator Related Industry Research Society and backed by a total of 25 associations, companies, municipalities and other organizations. This was the first time that the mayors of Ichinoseki City, Hiraizumi Town, Kanegasaki Town and Oshu City came together to discuss the ILC and how it related to the future vision of their communities. About 500 people filled the auditorium to hear this discussion.
from Symmetry Magazine
12 July 2016
Research in high-energy physics takes many forms. But most experiments in the field rely on accelerators that create and speed up particles on demand. What follows is a primer on three different types of particle accelerators: synchrotrons, cyclotrons and linear accelerators, called linacs.
from Iwate Nichi Nichi
09 July 2016
一関市は、次世代の大型加速器「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」への関心を高めてもらおうと、市内全ての市立中学校を対象に特別授業を実施している。(Ichinoseki city is implementing the special lecture about the ILC project for all the junior high schools to gain understanding for the ILC)
from Iwate Nippo
8 July 2106
A special ILC class was held at Sakuramachi Junior High School on Thursday for the 86 students in the second grade, who learnt more about the research that would take place at the proposed International Linear Collider, and the significance of building it.
Translation provided by Ichinoseki ILC Promotion Website.
Read article in Japanese here
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