
Director's Corner

Changes in LCC and in the US regarding ILC

by Harry Weerts

The mandate of the current LCC structure ends at the end of 2016 and ICFA has now put a revised structure in place. There has also been a change in the way the US supports ILC activities. Harry Weerts, current regional director for the Americas, describes these changes and how they will affect ILC activities.

Around the World

Bump or no bump

That was a question at the 38th International Conference on High Energy Physics in Chicago

by Ricarda Laasch

High Energy Physics (HEP) has always been a field with great discoveries and the field seems to be ‘storming’ forward as some attendees of this ICHEP declared. Not only new LHC results were the center point of this conference but also the discovery of gravitational waves, new neutrino measurements and of course future facilities like the ILC and CLIC.


Hello Kitty meets ILC

by Rika Takahashi and Ricarda Laasch

Why is Hello Kitty wearing glasses? What is this L doing on her bow? And what mean all those symbols behind her back? These kinds of questions are expected regarding the newest Hello Kitty x Science line. But why? Read more about how this cute small Kitty got in touch with science and about her impact at a huge High Energy Physics conference.

In the News

  • from Iwate Nippo
    5 August 2016

    IWATEILC2030プロジェクト(岩手日報社主催)のILCクラブに参加し、スイス・ジュネーブの欧州合同原子核研究所(CERN)などを視察する県内の中学生5人は4日、盛岡市の盛岡駅を出発した。(Five junior high school students who are joining IWATE ILC 2020 project departed Morioka station toward Switzerland to visit CERN)

  • from Iwate Nichi Nichi
    3 August 2016

    「いちのせきサイエンスカフェ」(一関市主催)は7月31日、同市大東町の大東図書館で開かれ、研究者の講話や意見交換を通じ、ILCの誘致実現に向け機運を高めた。(Ichinoseki science cafe was held at Daito library, to increase the momentum toward realization of the ILC by listening to the lecture by a scientist)

  • from University of Chicago
    1 August 2016

    Barry Barish, a key scientific leader behind the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO), will deliver a free public lecture on the “The Detection of Gravitational Waves from Binary Black Hole Mergers,” at 6:30 p.m., Aug. 9, in the Chicago Ballroom of the Sheraton Grand Hotel, 301 E. North Water St.

  • from NEWSALT
    31 July 2016

    「難しくて馴染みのない」科学の世界に親しみ、理解してもらうため、ハローキティとコラボレーションした。(AAA collaborated with Hello Kitty to gain understanding and make people feel more familiar with particle physics)

  • from excite news
    29 July 2016

    7月27日、東京・国際文化会館で「サイエンス×ハローキティ 発売記念商品発表会」が行われ、国際的研究者グループ「リニアコライダー・コーポレーション」ディレクターのリン・エバンスさん、副ディレクターの村山斉さん、ハローキティが登壇した。(On 27 July, PR event for the newly produced Sciecne X Hello Kitty was held in Tokyo. Lyn Evans, Hitoshi Murayama, and Hello Kitty presented new products.)

  • from Village Vanguard News
    29 July 2016

    サンリオのキャラクターでおなじみの「ハローキティ」。今から40年以上も前の1974年に誕生して以来、今もなお世界中から愛され続けている人気キャラクターですが、このたび「サイエンス」との異色のコラボが実現! 新商品を発表しました。(Well known character created by Sanrio, which was born in 1974, and being loved worldwide for over 40 years. Now, Hello Kitty is collaborating with unusual partner – Science.)

  • from Roppongi Keizai news
    28 July 2016

    国際文化会館(港区六本木5)で7月27日、先端加速器科学技術推進協議会が「ILC東京イベント2016-100万人に伝えるために-」を開催した。(On 27 July, AAA held a PR event for the ILC “ILC Tokyo Event 2016 – to reach out to 1 million people.”)

  • from Iwate Nippo
    28 July 2016

    ハローキティが、電子と陽電子を加速する加速管が入ったILCのクライオモジュールの上で、宇宙の謎を解こうとする姿をTシャツやキーホルダー、ボールペンなどにプリントしたグッズを紹介した。8月15日に東北地域で先行発売し、売り上げの一部を誘致活動に寄付する。(Introduced T shirts, Key chains, and ball point pens with a Hello Kitty riding on the ILC cryomodule. Those goods will be sold in Tohoku area ahead of other cities. Part f the profit will be donated for the ILC PR efforts.)

  • from goo news
    27 July 2016

    国際文化会館(港区六本木5)で7月27日、先端加速器科学技術推進協議会(新橋2)がハローキティとコラボレーションした新キャラクター「サイエンス×ハローキティ」の発表会が行われた。(AAA held a press release event for Sciecne X Hello Kitty on 27 July in Tokyo.)

  • from Iwate Nichi Nichi
    24 JUly 2016

    「加速器・物理合同ILC夏の合宿2016」は23日、一関市厳美町の厳美渓温泉いつくし園で始まった。—国内の科学者や物理学者のほか、大学の博士研究員、大学院生約70人が参加。(ILC summer camp 2016 started on 23 July in Ichinoseki city. About 70 Scientists, post-docs, and graduate students are attending the camp)

  • from Kahoku Shinpo
    22 July 2016

    岩手県ILC推進協議会は、誘致実現による県内や国内の経済波及効果を9月にまとめる。(Iwate prefectural ILC promotion council will publish a report of their study on the impact on region’s economy)