

From Symmetry Magazine: Small cat, big science

by Ricarda Laasch

Hello Kitty is known throughout Japan as the poster girl (poster cat?) of kawaii, a segment of pop culture built around all things cute. But recently she took on a new job: representing the proposed International Linear Collider.

Director's Corner

Powering detector developments

by Hitoshi Yamamoto

There’s a fitting phrase for the funding landscape of international high-energy physics projects: “It’s complicated.” Hitoshi Yamamoto, Director for Physics and Detectors in the Linear Collider Collaboration, describes the various sources of financial support, especially for developing future detectors, and where all of them stand. His advice: use all the opportunities there are.

Image of the week

Particle scientists are cool!

Image : Nobuko Kobayashi

Junior high-school students Kotomi Sato and Momoyo Sugawara, members of the “ILC club,” visited CERN last August with three other students to learn more about life in a big international science laboratory. They were invited to give a short debriefing during a panel discussion at an ILC symposium held on 10 September in Oshu city, where both girls said that they thought particle scientists are 'cool'!

Sato has always loved science and she is determined to become a researcher at the ILC. Sugawara met many people in Geneva who greeted her in Japanese, and she felt very happy about it. "I want to study English harder," she said, "to make foreign people comfortable if the ILC is being built in my neighborhood."

Read also "Five Iwate junior high students return from a fulfilling study trip abroad," an article published on 10 August in the Iwate Nippo.

In the News

  • from Iwate Nichi Nichi
    20 September 2016

    JR一ノ関駅西口の入り口ひさし中央部に、県南部の北上山地(北上高地)への誘致が期待される次世代の大型加速器「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」のPR看板がお目見えした。(At the entrance of Ichinoseki railway station, advertisement board for the ILC was posted to increase public awareness)

  • from Spektrum der Wissenschaft
    14 September 2016

    Die Teilchenphysik ist zunehmend uneins, auf welchem Weg in Zukunft bahnbrechende Entdeckungen gelingen sollen. Gegen diesen Trend sprießen Pläne für immer neue, noch größere Beschleunigeranlagen.

  • from Iwate Nippo
    11 September 2016

    岩手日報社主催のILCクラブで8月にスイス・ジュネーブの欧州合同原子核研究所(CERN)を訪問した奥州・水沢中3年の菅原百代さんと一関・花泉中2年の佐藤琴恵(ことみ)さんがパネル討論した。(Momoyo Sugawara and Kotomi Sato, who visited CERN in August joined panel discussion at the ILC symposium held on 10 September in Oshu city.)

  • from Iwate Nichi Nichi
    11 September 2016

    先端加速器科学技術推進シンポジウム2016in東北「1から分かるILC」は10日、奥州市水沢区の市文化会館(Zホール)で開かれた。(A symposium entitled “ILC for dummies” was held in Oshu city on 10 September.)

  • from The Morioka Times
    4 September 2016

    One of the Engineering Girls, third year science and engineering student Yuki Wada (20 years old, from Morioka City) said, “The children who listened to our lecture today will be adults when the ILC will start its experiments. I hope they gain an interest in the mysteries that surround them every day.”
    (Full translation provided by Iwate & the ILC website.)

  • from Élémentaire (N°9)
    September 2016

    Il faudrait donc que d’autres pays participent au financement de cette machine. Il est aussi clair que le gouvernement japonais étudiera de près les résultats qui seront obtenus au LHC en 2017 à l’énergie de 13 TeV, avant de prendre une décision en 2018. Dans l’intervalle, des groupes de travail planchent sur différents aspects du projet.
    Download full publication here.

  • from Tanko Nichinichi
    30 August 2016

    (Dr. Satoru Yamashita [who] will be in charge of creating the basic plan for the greater region at the Preparation Office […] said, “We will think about what will become possible should the ILC become a reality, and we will see many spinoff effects because of the participation of people around the region. The more people get involved, the higher the chance we will succeed. If you look at it that way, the role of PR will become more and more important as we prepare for the project.”)
    Read full translation provided by Iwate & the ILC website here.

  • from The Morioka Times
    28 August 2016

    Their formal request had 13 items, including:
    – A faster reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
    – The realization of the ILC
    – Attracting businesses and jobs to the region
    – The continuation of running some prefectural high schools
    (Full translation provided by Iwate & the ILC website.)

  • from Tanko Nichinichi
    4 August 2016

    (On July 23rd, a sign for the ILC project was installed for people walking by the east exit plaza of JR Mizusawa-Esashi Station (Hada-cho, Mizusawa district, Oshu City). The Oshu City government prepared this sign to spread the word about this large-scale science project to all of those who use the station.)
    Read full translation provided by Iwate & the ILC website here.