
Director's Corner

Preparing for the update

by Steinar Stapnes

With input to the update of the European Strategy for Particle Phyics due by the end of the year, the linear collider community has its goals clearly defined: progress on the political level and on technology. Steinar Stapnes gives an overview.


Successful visit to Europe: one big step for ILC realisation

by Rika Takahashi

A Japanese delegation of 18 persons – Diet members, government officials, industry leaders, and scientists – toured France and Germany in a four-day visit seeking to strengthen relationships towards ILC realisation. Essential view points from the two countries on investment and timescale were clarified and confirmed with the delegation. The importance to include the ILC into the next European strategy for particle physics was also reaffirmed.


The CLIC annual workshop highlights technology maturity and increased use ahead of the European Strategy update

Report from the CLIC workshop

by Rickard Ström and Aidan Robson

Meeting under the influence: at this year's CLIC workshop, held last week at CERN, participants kicked off preparations for the upcoming update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics. The project also showed its own influence on other projects from LHC upgrades to light sources, plus of course reports from the accelerator and detector developers about latest results from the various challenging R&D projects.

Around the World

From SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory: Superconducting X-Ray Laser Takes Shape in Silicon Valley

The first cryomodule has arrived at SLAC. Linked together and chilled to nearly absolute zero, 37 of these segments will accelerate electrons to almost the speed of light and power an upgrade to the nation’s only X-ray free-electron laser facility.

In the News

  • from Iwate Nippo
    29 January 2018

    Prof. Atsuto Suzuki (director of the Tohoku ILC Planning Office and president of Iwate Prefectural University) spoke with the media on the 19th to talk about his January visit to Europe. There he said he was planning to go to Europe in March in order to push forward negotiations on the ILC between European governments and Japan.
    Read full translation provided by Iwate & the ILC website here.

  • from Brinkwire
    24 January 2018

    Inside a cramped laboratory in Shanghai, China, physicist Ruxin Li and colleagues are breaking records with the most powerful pulses of light the world has ever seen.

  • from Newsweek Japan
    23 January 2018

    ただし、競合相手もいる。国際協力の下で計画され日本が誘致を目指す国際リニアコライダー(ILC)と、CERNの将来円形衝突型加速器(FCC)だ。しかし中国は、野心の大きさと政治的・資金的支援の体制で群を抜く。加速器の建設は早ければ21年に、データ収集は28年までに開始される予定。(But, there are competitors. International Linear Collider, promoted by international collaboration to build in Japan, and CERN’s FCC. However, China surpass them in term of ambition, political and financial support. They intend to start construction as early as 2021, and collecting data by 2028.)

  • from
    18 January 2018

    可以说,CERN 发明的万维网催生了第三次工业革命。

  • from Iwate Nippo
    18 January 2018

    This month, a delegation of Japan’s non-partisan Federation of Diet Members for the ILC (FDMILC) visited France and Germany to talk with government officials about the ILC. Their main goal was to create a framework of international cooperation that would be vital in realizing the project. Prof. Atsuto Suzuki, head of the Tohoku ILC Planning Office and President of Iwate Prefectural University, also joined in on the trip.
    Read full translation provided by Iwate & the ILC website here.

  • from Iwate Nippo
    18 January 2018

    The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)’s Panel of Experts on the ILC has reinstated their working group on elementary particle physics because of the recent changes to the ILC plan. They met at MEXT on January 18th for their first meeting since reinstatement.
    Read full translation provided by Iwate & the ILC website here.

  • from Iwate Nichinichi
    17 January 2018

    The project will greatly contribute to the development of the region and our reconstruction. This year is an important year for the project, so I’d like to put my efforts into petitioning the national government and other efforts that would support its realization.”
    Read full translation provided by Iwate & the ILC website here.

  • from Iwate Nippo
    17 January 2018

    Governor Tasso said, “We are in an important time right now for the ILC’s realization. We at the prefecture will accelerate the pace of our preparations.”
    Read full translation provided by Iwate & the ILC website here.

  • from CERN Courier
    15 January 2018

    With the ILC having been on the table for more than two decades, the linear-collider community is keen that the machine’s future is decided soon. (…) “The Linear Collider Board strongly supports the JAHEP proposal to construct a 250GeV ILC in Japan and encourages the Japanese government to give the proposal serious consideration for a timely decision,” says LCC director Lyn Evans.

  • from Kahoku Shimpo
    15 January 2017

    In hopes of realizing the International Linear Collider (a huge particle collider to be built in the Kitakami moutains of Iwate), Ofunato City became the first town on the coast of Iwate to install an office for ILC matters.
    Read full translation provided by Iwate & the ILC website here.

  • from Starts With A Bang, a blog from
    14 January 2018

    Meanwhile, as we look ahead, the potential construction of new experiments, such as an International Linear Collider, a next-generation ring-based proton collider, or even (if the technology arrives) a relativistic muon collider could lead us to the next frontiers in fundamental particle physics. It’s an incredible time to be alive.

  • from Kitakami Times
    10 January 2018

    This time, we once again visited the beautiful city in late October for Linear Collider Workshop 2017. While the Japanese national government has not moved on the project in the interim since LCWS 2016 in Morioka, we wanted to make sure that all of our friends abroad knew that Iwate and Tohoku are still working their hardest on making the ILC project come to fruition.

  • from Iwate Nippo
    4 January 2018

    “It will be difficult for the national government to make a decision without the will of the people of Japan to build the project. The related parties in Tohoku will band together as one to support the creation of the master development and spillover economic effects, and will convey that widely to the rest of Japan. We will also continue to look for more opportunities to urge the national government to make their decision.”
    Read full translation provided by Iwate & the ILC website here.

  • from Le Temps
    28 December 2017

    «Nous pensons que l’ILC permettra d’obtenir deux ou trois événements – la création du Higgs – toutes les cent collisions de particules; c’est vingt millions de fois plus qu’au LHC.» Et donc, la garantie d’un environnement propre et de mesures de haute précision. (…) Les promoteurs de l’ILC ont joué leur va-tout, en annonçant le 7 novembre une reconfiguration drastique du projet, et un coût réduit à 4,7 milliards de francs: son énergie ne sera plus que de 250 GeV.

  • from Nihon Keizai Shimbun
    27 December 2017

    東北地方で宇宙研究に使う次世代加速器「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」誘致に向けた動きが活気づいている。北上山地が誘致の有力候補地で、巨額の建設費用も従来より削減した案が固まり、誘致実現へアピールしやすくなった。(The movement towards attracting to the next generation accelerator “International Linear Collider (ILC)” for particle physics research in the Tohoku region is booming. The Kitakami Mountains are a promising candidate site, and the proposal to reduce the huge construction cost has also been settled and appealed for attracting attractiveness.)

  • from Iwate Nippo
    23 December 2017

    Within, the winners have written about the necessity of the ILC project, and their hope that the Japanese government will host the project. It will be delivered to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe next month. Appearing in its pages are seven foreign scientists, including Dr. Barry Barish (…)
    Read full translation provided by Iwate & the ILC website here.

  • from Iwate Nippo
    23 December 2017

    The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has reformed the Panel of Experts to once again deliberate on the ILC, taking into account this new information. The national government should make their decision on the ILC sometime in 2018.
    Read full translation provided by Iwate & the ILC website here.

  • from symmetry magazine
    19 December 2017

    Planning the next big science machine requires consideration of both the current landscape and the distant future.