
Director's Corner

A team effort for a new collider

by Tatsuya Nakada

Tatsuya Nakada, freshly appointed chair of the newly founded ILC International Development Team, gives his view on the next 18 months in which the IDT will prepare for a Pre-Lab. It’s an ambitious plan, he says, but the overall atmosphere of the Team is very positive.


ICFA and the ILC’s International Development Team

by Geoffrey Taylor

Geoffrey Taylor, the current chair of the International Committee for Future Accelerators ICFA, explains why ICFA has set up the International Development Team (IDT) and what it will do.

Around the World

Americas Workshop on Linear Collider Planned for October

by Jim Brau

The first virtual Linear Collider Workshop will be held in October. A rich programme responding to and preparing for recent developments will hopefully draw many interested national and international participants, says an organiser. The workshop will work to build the Americas community engaged in the ILC and to motivate ILC contributions to Snowmass 2021. Register now!


ICFA Press Release: ICFA appoints members for the ILC International Development Team

The International Committee for Future Accelerators announced the structure and the team members of the ILC International Development Team, to make the project one step forward.

In the News

  • from Iwate Nippo
    25 September 2020


  • from Nikkei
    24 September 2020


  • from MEXT
    11 September 2020



  • from Kahoku Shinpo
    11 Septenber 2020


  • from Open Access Government
    10 September 2020

    To realise this vision, DOE supports the R&D of accelerator and detector technologies to enable Japan to move forward with the International Linear Collider (ILC). Our scientists are developing improvements to the superconducting technology that will increase accelerator cavity efficiency and reduce the cost of construction and subsequent operations

  • from Physics Today
    01 September 2020

    Work started this summer on a final ILC engineering design. In parallel, Okada expects Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology “to intensify discussions with other countries.” The ILC could start operations in the mid 2030s, he says. That would have the advantage of overlapping with the high-luminosity LHC, which is expected to start up in 2027 and run through the end of the next decade.

  • from Physics Central
    18 August 2020

    Meanwhile, CERN’s participation in the proposed International Linear Collider—which will potentially be hosted by Japan—remains a possibility, and this decade will see the unveiling of the High-Luminosity LHC, a major upgrade that’s currently in progress at the particle physics lab.

  • from Nikkei
    7 August 2020


  • from Iwate Nippo
    6 August 2020


  • from
    30 July 2020


  • from Nikkei Asian Review
    19 July 2020

    In its updated strategy for particle physics in Europe released last month, the European particle physics laboratory, CERN, said the “timely realization” of the ILC in Japan would be compatible with its plans and that “the European particle physics community would wish to collaborate.”

  • from Nikkei
    16 July 2020


  • from Nikkei
    15 July 2020


    12 July 2020

    Die Form der Umsetzung ist noch nicht ganz klar. Seit etlichen Jahren gibt es in Japan das Projekt International Linear Collider (ILC). Die Technik wurde in Europa mitentwickelt und der ILC ist Teil der europäischen Kern- und Teilchenphysik.

  • from Physics
    2 July 2020

    Precision measurements of Higgs physics can be done with an electron-positron collider, but the exact design of such a Higgs factory is still undecided. The International Linear Collider (ILC) is one option, but the proposed host, Japan, has not yet committed to the project.

  • from CNRS le Journal
    30 June 2020

    (…) le Japon parle depuis plusieurs années déjà de construire sa propre usine à Higgs. « Ce projet nommé ILC (pour International linear collider), c’est un peu l’arlésienne, commente Laurent Vacavant. Mais s’il se fait, Clic deviendrait de facto caduc, et les scientifiques européens participeraient alors à la fabrication des détecteurs de l’instrument japonais. »

  • from Industries et Technologies
    23 June 2020

    “Pour l’« usine à Higgs », l’enjeu est principalement d’améliorer l’efficacité de l’accélération des électrons qui se produit dans des cavités résonnantes – ou cavités accélératrices. (…) Pour les machines linéaires, l’objectif est de limiter la longueur du dispositif. ”