Video of the week
by Rika Takahashi
On 19 November, Shoji Asai, Spokesperson for ILC-Japan, together with Shunki Sugai, a popular Japanese science communicator on YouTube, presented a lecture and workshop for young science enthusiasts at "the Science Agora," Japan's one of the biggest science festival held in Tokyo.
A group of 24 participants, ranging in age from 10 to college seniors, attended the workshop with an audience of about 150 people. The archived footage of the event has already been viewed over 13,000 times in one day.
In the News
from NIkkan Sports
20 November 2023
故郷の人々は、世界レベルで戦う大谷の応援を続ける。その一方で、奥州市も世界と戦っている。「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」と呼ばれる、ビッグバンを再現できるという直線加速器の研究施設を東北に誘致するため、政府や国際機関と話し合いを継続中。—-野球と直接的な関連はないが、世界を舞台に羽ばたく意味では、その姿が重なる。(People in his hometown continue to support Shohei Otani as he competes at the world level. Meanwhile, Oshu City is also competing with the world. It is in ongoing discussions with the government and international organizations to bring the International Linear Collider (ILC), a linear accelerator research facility that is said to be able to recreate the Big Bang, to Tohoku. —–Although not directly related to baseball, the two cities overlap in the sense that they are competing on the world stage)
from CERN Courier
09 November 2023
The successful accomplishment of ongoing programmes (SuperKEKB, J-PARC upgrade and Hyper-Kamiokande) is the top priority in the coming years. KEK also has photon factories, and upgrades to these are urgent. The International Linear Collider (ILC) is the top priority after SuperKEKB and the construction of Hyper-Kamiokande (Hyper-K).
from Tokyo Web
08 November 2023
宇宙誕生の謎を探る次世代加速器について、中国が2027年にも全周約100キロの巨大円形加速器(CEPC)の建設開始を目指していることが8日分かった。欧州の新型円形加速器(FCC)や、岩手・宮城両県の北上山地が候補地に挙がる国際リニアコライダー(ILC)の両計画に対抗、素粒子物理学で主導権を握る狙いとみられる。(On August 8, it was learned that China is aiming to start construction of a giant circular accelerator with a circumference of 100 km (CEPC) in 2027 to explore the mysteries of the birth of the universe. It is believed that China aims to take the lead in particle physics, competing with Europe’s new FCC and the International Linear Collider (ILC) project, which has the Kitakami Mountains in Iwate and Miyagi prefectures as a candidate site.)
from Swissinfo
06 October 2023
FCCはLHCの「後継」的存在だが、ILCは「補完」的役割を担う。日本とCERNはライバルではなく協力関係というわけだ。CERNは今年7月、ILCの加速器技術開発の重点事項を国際共同で進める枠組み「ILCテクノロジーネットワーク」の第1号参画機関として、日本の高エネルギー加速器研究機構(KEK)と協定を結んだ他のサイトへ。(The FCC is the “successor” to the LHC, but the ILC plays a “complementary” role. In July of this year, CERN signed an agreement with Japan’s High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) as the first participant in the ILC Technology Network, a framework for international collaboration on priority issues in accelerator technology development at the ILC.)
03 November 2023
C3 is one of a number of different proposals for a next-generation accelerator capable of probing the Higgs and beyond, although they all follow one of two basic designs: linear accelerators, such as C3 and the proposed International Linear Collider, and synchrotrons, or future circular accelerators, such as the Future Circular Collider or the Circular Electron Positron Collider.
from TBS News
01 November 2023
ILC=国際リニアコライダーの東北誘致を支援しようと先月31日、飲料メーカーの取引会社で構成する団体が講演会を開き、県ILC推進協議会へ寄付金を贈りました。—共生会は2013年から寄付を続けていて、これまでの総額は202万円あまりにのぼります。協議会は寄付金を講演会の実施など様々な活動に充てる予定です。(In an effort to support the ILC (International Linear Collider) project in Tohoku, a group of companies that do business with beverage manufacturers held a lecture last month and presented a donation to the Prefectural ILC Promotion Council on March 31. —The group has been making donations since 2013, totaling more than 2.02 million yen to date. The council plans to use the donation for various activities, such as holding lectures.)
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