Barbara Warmbein | 4 January 2007
A new team of young researchers based at DESY will start building more bridges between theory and experiment and between LHC and ILC in May (next year). Philip Bechtle, currently a post-doc at the BaBar experiment at SLAC, has just received approval and a budget for his "Young Investigators Group" from the Helmholtz Association, the largest scientific organisation in Germany spanning 15 research centres, including DESY. Bechtle, one post doc and four PhD students will delve deep into the subject "Terascale Physics: From Data Taking at LHC to Understanding at ILC."
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particle simulation
Barbara Warmbein | 20 April 2006
In the context of actively preparing for future electron accelerators and colliders, there will be a two and a half day meeting at LAL, Orsay starting on 15 May. Three European-funded projects (CARE/ELAN, EUROTeV and Euroleap) will meet to review their present activities and to discuss the future.
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accelerator R&D
Barbara Warmbein | 20 April 2006
"We will all give our very best to support the ILC design effort in achieving a design that both works and doesn't waste resources," says Ferdinand Willeke, freshly-appointed chairman of the brand-new machine advisory committee - MAC. The committee is a group of 17 'wise old men' who all have a lot of experience and expertise in designing, building and running different accelerators. They come from all types of machines - LEP, the Tevatron, the LHC, HERA, SLC, PEPII, B-factories - and from all over the world. Their mandate is to review GDE accelerator activities and to assist and report to the ILC Steering Committee. They support and advise the GDE in their decision on which technologies and solutions to choose for the ILC, review their cost estimates and milestones and check whether the whole system works.
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Machine Advisory Committee
Barbara Warmbein | 30 March 2006
In a tent in a test hall at DESY in Hamburg, Germany, the hadron calorimeter is learning how to see. This calorimeter - an essential part in all proposed detector designs for the ILC - measures the energy of all those particles that make it through the dense electromagnetic calorimeter. It does this with the help of scintillators, small plastic plates where incoming particles interact, leaving information of their energies, a fibre that changes the photons' wavelengths from ultraviolet to green, and tiny photodetectors that convert the light into an electronic signal. Hadrons interact with layers of dense metal, producing the charged particles whose signal is measured and conclusions can be drawn on the energy and nature of the hadron that swooshed past.
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