
Author archive: Michael Peskin

About Michael Peskin

Michael Peskin, Steering Group Member of ILC-IDT WG3; Convener of WG3 Physics Potential and Opportunities Subgroup

Implementing a linear collider facility at CERN

| 30 January 2025 “The next flagship project at CERN should be an e+e− Linear Collider spanning the centre-of- mass energy range from the Z pole into the TeV regime.” The LC Vision idea, discussed in this article, builds on the well-developed Linear Collider concepts of ILC and CLIC, and proposes a new balance of performance and cost in a context appropriate for CERN. This collider meets all of the desired criteria: a rich physics programme attentive to discovery by precision measurements, affordability and the possibility of timely implementation, and flexibility in response to new physics advances or technical developments.

Articulating the physics case for the ILC

| 17 November 2011 The ILC Detailed Baseline Design report will contain a chapter that describes the physics opportunities that the ILC will offer. The LHC is bringing us new information about particles in the ILC energy range. But what exactly is the Large Hadron Collider telling us, and what are the implications for the ILC programme? Michael Peskin encourages members of the ILC community to debate this question and contribute to the report. Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged: , , , ,