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Japanese diet members focus on ATF2

| 21 March 2013

Twelve members of the Japanese Federation of Diet members to promote the realisation of the ILC visited KEK on 4 and 18 March. They spent the longest time at ATF, KEK’s test facility for the linear collider. They also toured KEKB, Belle, and the Photon Factory.

10 members of the Federation of Diet members to promote the realisation of ILC visited KEK on 18 March. From left: Takamaro Fukuoka, Motoyuki Fujii, Tetsuo Saito, Hitoshi Kikawada, Koshin Fujitani, Kosuke Hori, Kenji Kosaka, Takahiro Inoue, Hiroshi Imazu, Hiroshi Sakurai. Nobuhiro Terumuma (right) guided ATF.

Minoru Kawasaki (left) and Ryo Syuhama (right) visited KEK on 4 March, listening to the explanation by KEK scientist Junpei Fujimoto (middle).

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