
Author archive: Jim Brau

About Jim Brau

Jim Brau (University of Oregon) is a member of the ILC International Development Team Working Group 3, and former Associate Director for Physics and Detectors in the Linear Collider Collaboration.

Optimal ILC physics performance at acceptable cost and risk

| 15 July 2010 The [SB2009 Working Group] established quantitatively that the low-energy performance of SB2009 was a serious concern for optimal performance at lower energies, such as at and just above the threshold for Z-Higgs (210-350 GeV), an assumed key operating point for the measurement of Higgs properties. In response to these comments from the physics community, the GDE began investigations of concepts which could improve the low-energy luminosity. Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged:

Optimising the value of the ILC

| 21 January 2010 [...] Sakue has created a working group of people who are able to simulate the effect of SB2009 parameters on physics performance. Some changes are expected to have little effect on the physics performance of the ILC, while other changes potentially may have important negative implications, challenging the fulfillment of the Parameters and performance. Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged: ,

Spreading the excitement of discovery

| 16 July 2009 Why is the down quark's charge precisely one-third that of the electron - Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged:

Cautious optimism for US-university detector R&D funding

| 22 January 2009 Several recent positive developments are moving us forward on the path towards realising the ILC. These include excellent detector R&D results and significant progress on the Letters of Intent (LOI) for the various detector concepts. Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged: , ,

New US Strategic plan for particle physics recommends restored participation in ILC R&D

| 12 June 2008 This past year, our global collaboration was derailed by funding cuts for the ILC in the UK and in the US. (...) Our dedication and perseverance have been challenged, but the science has not changed: particle physics will need a high-energy linear collider. In the US, a new strategic plan for the funding agencies restates the importance of a lepton collider to advances in particle physics. Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged: , ,