by Rika Takahashi
Close to 80 scientists gathered at Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan for the ILD workshop held from 23 to 25 May. The workshop also drew interest from Japanese media, who attended press briefing and the tour around "the south site" for the ILC.
Image of the week
Image: CNRS/Yannick Legré
For the first time, two internationally associated laboratories, the France-Korea Laboratory for Particle Physics and e-science and the France-Japan Particle Physics Laboratory (renamed Toshiko Yuasa Laboratory), jointly held their annual meeting, providing new opportunities for trilateral collaborations. More than 70 physicists gathered from 28-30 May at the Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, in Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Talks included overviews from the directors of KEK, KISTI, CEA/Irfu and CNRS/IN2P3 and a review of the latest results of the collaborative work on particle detector and accelerator R&D, astroparticle and neutrinos and grid computing.
In the News
from La Montagne
30 May 2012
…ces équipes travaillent d’ores et déjà à la création d’un nouvel accélérateur de particules en Asie « très certainement au Japon », ainsi qu’aux détecteurs qui y seront associés. Cet accélérateur de particules linéaire devrait venir compléter, au début des années 2020, les résultats du LHC…
from Iwanichi Online
30 May 2012
from IHEP
25 May 2012
The Institute of High Energy Physics announced that till 4: 00 PM, May 22, 2012, BEPCII/BESIII has accumulated one billion J/Psi events during the past run, which is a significant and new milestone for BEPCII/BESIII.
from New Scientist
24 May 2012
Fans of dark matter can rest easy. A study published last month raised eyebrows by suggesting that our cosmic neighbourhood is empty of the extra mass needed to hold the galaxy together. But a re-analysis shows that the dark matter was there all along.
from INFN
24 May 2012
The National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) and the Beijing Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) entered a collaborative research and youth education agreement. This collaboration will be included in the agenda of the Italian Minister for Research and Education Francesco Profumo’s China visit in June.
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