The ILC is explicitly mentioned as a top priority in the update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics. Image: Rey.Hori
According to the paper, top priority is given to the continued operation of the LHC and its future upgrade for operation at higher luminosities, to ensure the exploitation of its full scientific potential. Other priorities for large-scale physics facilities are the development of a post-LHC accelerator project at CERN with global contribution, the European participation in the linear accelerator ILC if hosted by Japan and the development of a European neutrino research programme.
Moreover, the European Strategy recommends the continuation of a strong and diversified theory programme, studies in specific areas of particle physics in Europe and other regions with European participation, extension of research and development of innovative detector technologies and close collaboration with neighbouring fields such as astroparticle physics and nuclear physics.
The strategy stresses the importance of global collaboration in the field of particle physics and the coordinating role of CERN; this includes the strengthening of cooperation between the community of particle physicists and the European Commission. It also emphasises the social benefits and the research field’s responsibility: it is important to ensure that central scientific activities such as communication and outreach will become part of all projects, that technology transfer is supported and that young scientists will always get a good training.
The European Strategy is regularly updated on the basis of current scientific results. With the discovery of the Higgs-like particle in summer 2012, the already planned update for this year had become even more urgent and concrete. The strategy is developed by the CERN Council Strategy Group, appointed by the CERN Council. It consists of representatives of all CERN member states, eight members of the European Committee for Future Accelerators ECFA and of the CERN Scientific Policy Committee (SPC), representatives of observer states and the directors of the largest European research centres.
The Strategy Group is headed by former ECFA chairman Tatsuya Nakada. In the past months, the group gathered recommendations from many projects, groups, countries and collaborations and, after consultation with the European community of particle physicists at a symposium in Cracow of several days, they wrote up a summary of about 15 recommendations.
Read CERN’s press release
Read the strategy brochure
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