Video of the week
by Perrine Royole-Degieux
This week we're featuring one of the 435 videos posted on the ILC Youtube channel to support the ILC project. Hasan Padamsee is a physicist at Fermilab, USA. Watch him explain why he thinks whe should build the ILC now!
You too can contribute by participating in the #mylinearcollider video campaign.
In the News
from CERN news
9 December 2014
Target energy achieved ! On Tuesday 9 December at 2.18 p.m., a key milestone in the restart of the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator was passed. Sector 6-7 of the Large Hadron Collider has been commissioned to a beam energy of 6.5 TeV. (…) It’s at this unprecedented beam energy that the LHC will restart next spring with the aim of producing collisions with a total energy of 13 TeV.
from Fermilab Today
4 December 2014
Specifically, the citation acknowledges his “leadership and pioneering world-renowned research in superconducting radio-frequency physics, materials science and technology, which contributed to remarkable advances in the capability of particle accelerators.”
from Iwate Nippo
4 December 2014
ILCについて「日本にリーダーシップを取ってほしいと提案している。夢から現実にしたい」と述べた。(Lyn Evans said “I would like Japan to take a leadership on the ILC project. Let’s bring ILC from dream to reality.”
from The New York Times
1 December 2014
The added value of the new Planck data is a map showing how the microwaves are polarized, information that could shed light on what was going on when the universe was a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second old, and in the grip of forces about which physicists can only speculate.
from Iwate Nippo
27 November 2014
県立大の次期学長に、KEK機構長の鈴木厚人氏が内定したことが26日、分かった。任期は2015年4月から4年間。鈴木氏は素粒子物理学の世界的権威で、本県などが誘致を目指す国際リニアコライダー(ILC)計画をけん引している。学長として大学の教育研究の発展とともに、ILCの誘致実現への手腕が期待される。(KEK’s Director General, Atsuto Suzuki will be the next President of Iwate Prefectural University. The term of the office will be four years. He is a world expert on particle physics, and leading the ILC project. He is expected to contribute academic development of the University, and also a realisation of the ILC in Tohoku area.)
from Iwate Nippo
27 November 2014
安倍晋三首相(自民党総裁)は、ILCの誘致については「世界から科学者が集まってまちをつくることは日本にとっても大きなプラス」とした上で、「予算面で可能かが一番のポイントになる」と財源が課題であることに言及した。(Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said about the inviting the ILC to Japan,”It is a big advantage for Japan to build a city where scientists around the world will gather.” He also said that “the important point is if we can afford it.”)
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