In the News
from Tanko Nichinichi
2 July 2015
The panel of experts gave three recommendations: 1) To get the prospects for cost sharing among countries and for getting scientific results worth the massive investment 2) That the performance and obtainable results from the ILC be assessed by sufficiently analyzing and evaluating experimental trends of the LHC, and that solutions for technical issues and for reducing cost risks be made clear, and 3) To work for the understanding and consensus of the Japanese people and of other scientific fields.
from Kahoku Shinpo
26 June 2015
ILC計画に関する有識者会議は25日、計画に必要な人材の確保・育成方策を検証するための作業部会を設置した。作業部会では施設の建設や運営に必要な人員と、将来必要となる研究者、技術者の確保と育成の見通しなどを検討する。(The expert panel set up the new working group to study the way to secure and nurture the human resources to be needed to host the ILC.)
from Tanko Nichinichi
26 June 2015
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) panel of experts considering the ILC had their fourth meeting on June 25th. The panel summarized the issues and actions necessary for inviting the ILC to Japan, for the first time in the form of recommendations to MEXT.
from Iwate Nippo
25 June 2015
ILCの日本誘致を検討する文部科学省の有識者会議は25日、同省で開かれ、検証内容の中間まとめを行った。日本政府の判断は、実験結果が示される2017年から18年ごろになる見通しだ。(Expert panel to discuss whether Japan to host ILC had a summary session on 25 June. The governmental decision is expected to be made in 2017 to 2018.)
from PICMG
25 June 2015
In 2000 we were planning a very large linear accelerator at DESY, the 30 km-long linear collider TESLA (now as an international project continued named ILC).
from Сиб.фм.
17 June 2015
Работники новосибирского Института ядерной физики (ИЯФ) СО РАН примут участие в строительстве линейного коллайдера стоимостью в 10 млрд долларов в Японии, с помощью которого изучат свойства тёмной материи, рассказал изданию СО РАН «Наука в Сибири» главный научный сотрудник ИЯФ Валерий Тельнов. (Novosibirsk Institute of Nuclear Physics (INP) will take part in the construction of a linear collider, worth $ 10 billion in Japan, with which examine the properties of dark matter, said chief researcher of the INP Valery Tel’nov.)
15 June 2015
Правда, россиян включат в этот масштабный проект лишь в том случае, если будет принято решение на международном уровне о создании коллайдера. (True, the Russians will include in this large-scale project only if it is decided at the international level for the establishment of the collider.)
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