
Director's Corner

Study on technical feasibility

by Lyn Evans

The Japanese consultant Nomura Research Institute is about to embark on a world tour to visit labs around the world and industrial production sites for accelerator components. They are working on a study about the technical feasibility of the ILC and ways to reduce cost. They may be coming to a lab near you!

Around the World

Back in the beam

by Barbara Warmbein

Calorimeter prototypes have been taking showers at CERN – particle showers, that is. Detector developers have just packed up their equipment after finishing a campaign to understand the time structure of hadron showers. And they are happy with what they achieved. Find out how a beer chiller played a role in the test beam as well…


Here’s one we made earlier

by Barbara Warmbein

Particle detectors need to be at the forefront of technology in order to capture particle collisions in great detail and quick succession. R&D projects for upgrades of existing detectors or future ones are busy around the world, and sometimes the technologies developed and studied in these projects can help out in others. LC NewsLine has two examples.

Image of the week

Physics and football

Working in particle physics can easily fill your day. But there's always more to life than physics – football, for example. Three core members of the linear collider management team turn out to also be hardcore fans of Sunderland Association Football Club – so much so that one of them, John Osborne, founded the Sunderland Swiss Branch.

John Osborne is a civil engineer at CERN and heavily involved in the planning of tunnels for the linear collider (and other projects), while the other two are Directors in the Linear Collider Collaboration: Mike Harrison for the ILC and Brian Foster for Europe. They all come from the northeast of England, home of Sunderland football club. The Swiss branch has even made it into the Fanzine "Legion of Light"! Any more particle physics football fans out there?

In the News

  • from Discover Magazine
    October 2015

    The “God Particle” was just the beginning. The Large Hadron Collider and other accelerators are poised to answer questions about the very fabric of the cosmos.

  • from Tanko Nichi Nichi
    10 September 2015

    文部科学省の「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)に関する有識者会議」が今年6月、「これまでの議論のまとめ」と題し、ILC誘致をめぐる提言や諸課題を公表したのを受け、「国際将来加速器委員会(International Committee for Future Accelerators=ICFA(イクファ))」は、「まとめ」に対する見解を文書にし、年内にも有識者会議に送付する意向だ。(LC NewsLine reported that ICFA is preparing a document to clarify some of the issuesraised in the summary report, and itwill be submitted to the Panel before the end of this year.)

  • from Motherboard
    7 September 2015

    High-energy physics isn’t planning on taking a post-Large Hadron Collider breather. In fact, the international research community had been scheming up a successor well before the LHC even started smashing protons. The most advanced project to this end is the International Linear Collider, which will become the longest particle collider in the world with at least 19 miles of tunneling.

  • from IBC /Iwate Prefecture
    7 September 2015

    ILCが本格的に動き出す時期に地域の中核を担う中学生を対象とした「ILCセミナー」の模様をお伝えします。(Short video intoroducing the effort to promote the ILC, such as “the ILC seminar” targeting the junior high school students)