by Rika Takahashi
On 26 February, members of the ICFA gathered in a conference room in Tokyo, Japan, for the press conference, explaining the status of accelerator science in the world.
In the News
from AsiaHEP/ACFA
10 March 2016
AsiaHEP and ACFA reassert their strong endorsement of the ILC,
which is in a mature state of technical development.
from Tanko Nichi Nichi
10 March 2016
東京大学の山下了特任教授は9日、仙台市内のホテルで講演し、北上山地が最有力候補となっている素粒子研究施設、国際リニアコライダー(ILC)の実現に向け日米間で進められている連携協議について、大臣級のハイレベル協議から担当者レベルの協議も進み、大きな枠組みがつくられていると説明。「この動きをさらに加速させ、日米連携を核に欧米、アジアと連携枠を広げていきたい」と述べた。(Satoru Yamashita of University of Tokyo said in his talk held in Sendai city, Miyagi prefecture on 9 March that US-Japan discussion on the realisation of the ILC has been developed from working level to minister level, and framework is setting up. “We would like to accelerate this move, and facilitate interactions with European and Asian countries, using US-Japan collaboration as a core”.)
from Kahoku Shinpo
9 March 2016
「研究者組織が国内候補地に選んで約2年半。2月に米国を訪れ、地元の熱意と受け入れ態勢の構築を進めていることを訴えた。今後も地道に活動を続け、地域全体の機運をさらに高めたい」(“It have been 2 year and half since Tohoku was evaluated as a potential site for the ILC. I visited the US in February, and appealed the enthusiasm of region and told that we are preparing for new foreign comers. We will work hard to foster momentum)
from Le Temps
8 March 2016
Au lieu d’imaginer des machines toujours plus grandes et coûteuses, des scientifiques du CERN tablent sur un projet permettant d’accélérer des particules avec un instrument tenant… dans un garage
from Iwate Nichi Nichi
7 March 2016
次世代の大型加速器「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」と共生できるまちづくりを目指す奥州市は、市ILCまちづくりビジョンの素案を作成した。(Oshu city created the vision to boost local development with the ILC)
from Iwate Nippo
5 March 2016
国際リニアコライダー(ILC)計画の日本誘致を推進する超党派のリニアコライダー国際研究所建設推進議員連盟(会長・河村建夫衆院議員)は4日、国会内で総会を開き、2月の訪米の成果を報告した。米エネルギー省(DOE)はILC計画の国際協力などの「議論の場」を求めたといい、文部科学省は検討する方針を示した。議員レベルの協議から政府間の定期的協議への発展が期待される。(Federation of Diet member promoting the ILC had their general meeitng on 4 March, reported the progress made at the US visit in Feruary. US Department of Energy asked for setting up the discussion forum about international cooperation, and MEXT will discuss how to proceed. It is executed that the discussion between politicians will develop into the regular meeting between government officials.)
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