Director's Corner
by Hitoshi Murayama
The ILC as it is planned today will offer a host of possible physics studies, writes Hitoshi Murayama, Director for Physics and Detectors in the International Development Team for the ILC. He asks: But why stop there? What else, however fancy it may seem now, can you see the ILC doing – fixed-target experiments, experiments at the beam dump or or near the interaction point? Now is the time to propose them!
by Tatsuya Nakada, Hitoshi Murayama and Steinar Stapnes
The 2021 International Workshop on Linear Colliders (LCWS 2021) will be arranged by Europe/CERN as a remote meeting from15 to 19 March next year. Similar to the past meetings, it will cover the physics, detector, and accelerator studies of ILC and CLIC. The meeting will be at a timely moment since the European Strategy for Particle Physics Update has been published and its implementation started. Also, the ILC International Development Team and its working groups have been set up and detailed plans for the ILC Pre-lab are being made. In parallel, the Snowmass process is on-going. This workshop will be followed by individual more specialized ones for ILC and CLIC in the autumn 2021. We are looking forward to “seeing” you all in March.
The ILC International Development Team (IDT) will hold a workshop, Towards ILC Expressions of Interest, in October 2021 in Tsukuba, Japan, with focus on the experimental programme of the ILC. The main meeting will take place from 26 to 29 October with an optional tour to the ILC candidate site in the Tohoku region of Japan, as well as satellite meetings before and after the main meeting. The discussion will be centred around the steps toward the Expressions of Interest for the experiments at the ILC. It will also include discussions of recent developments in detector technology and provide updated information about the Pre-lab planning and the general status of the ILC project. Further details will follow soon.
Video of the week
An important element of the AWLC2020 programme was the three talks by three US government representatives
In the News
from IBC
10 December 2020
from CERN Courier
10 November 2020
On 10 September the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) announced the structure and members of a new organisational team to prepare a “pre-laboratory” for an International Linear Collider (ILC) in Japan. The ILC International Development Team (ILC-IDT), which consists of an executive board and three working groups governing the pre-lab setup, accelerator, and physics and detectors, aims to complete the preparatory phase for the pre-lab on a timescale of around 1.5 years.
from CERN Courier
10 November 2020
It is remarkable to note that the total number of such TESLA-style cavities installed or to be installed in presently approved accelerators is more than 1800. Were a 250 GeV ILC to go ahead in Japan, approximately 8000 such units would be required.
from Iwate Nippo
24 October 2020
from Spa!
17 October 2020
確かに、日本では研究開発予算を潤沢に使えず、ノーベル賞の山中伸弥教授が率いる iPS細胞研究所ですら寄付を集めながら研究を続けています。だからこそ、「国際リニアコライダー計画」のような世界から投資を呼び込めるチャンスへ果敢な挑戦をしてほしいものです。
from Iwate Nippo
09 October 2020
from Kahoku Shinpo
30 September 2020
from Science
2 October 2020
Physicists in Japan are discussing such a Higgs factory in the form of a 30-kilometer-long linear electron-positron collider.
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