
Director's Corner

LCWS2021- the community focuses on an ILC Pre-Lab as the next step

by Steinar Stapnes

LCWS2021 highlighted the large and increasing international community and efforts pursuing a future linear collider, and the community is now very focused on an ILC Pre-Lab as the immediate next step towards an operational Higgs-factory by 2035.


Call for participation in Physics & Detector WG3

by Hitoshi Murayama

The IDT Working Group on Physics & Detector activities (WG3) would like to invite the community to engage in ILC studies. You are encouraged to contact convenors of the subgroup of your interest. We look forward to having you involved!

Around the World

Laboratories and industry in tune for particle physics detector R&D in Europe

by Perrine Royole-Degieux

10 million euros. This will be the amount granted to members of the AIDAinnova project funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 programme. As particle physics requires highly-specialised detection equipment, often on an industrial scale, this project will be strongly marked by the collaboration between industry and academic institutions. Coordinated by CERN, it will explore advancement and innovation for particle physics detectors, including those proposed for the ILC.

Around the World

From CNRS: Joint French-Japanese laboratory in Tokyo for physics at the largest and smallest scales

From neutrinos to dark matter, and from particle accelerators to gravitational wave detectors and the first light of the Universe: the ILANCE laboratory, bringing together the CNRS and the University of Tokyo, will conduct physics research at the very smallest and largest scales of our Universe.

In the News

  • from IPMU
    13 April 2021

    共同研究の対象には、ニュートリノ物理、原始宇宙、暗黒宇宙、重力波、素粒子物理などの分野にあたる、ハイパーカミオカンデ、スーパーカミオカンデ、T2K、KAGRA、CTA、LiteBIRD、PFS、ATLAS、ILC などのプロジェクト名が挙げられています。

    7 April 2021

    En este capítulo, ILANCE se propone investigar las propiedades del bosón de Higgs con el apoyo del experimento ATLAS, uno de los siete detectores de partículas construido en el Gran Colisionador de Hadrones (LHC), y del International Linear Collider (ILC), un acelerador lineal electrón-positrón.

  • from Scientific American
    7 April 2021

    Even if all of these efforts confirm there is new physics at work in muons, however, they will not be able to reveal what, exactly, that new physics is. The needed tool to reveal its nature may be a new collider—something many physicists are clamoring for via proposals such as the International Linear Collider and the High-Luminosity LHC.

    25 March 2021

    Nishiwaga is a town in Iwate, with a population of 5,363 and an area of 590.74 km2, that is famous for its abundant nature, ranging from wild plants such as bracken, to wildlife, such as deer and bear.—-Nishiwaga is just about an hour drive from the proposed ILC site, and neighbors Kitakami City.

  • from Iwate Nippo
    24 March 2021


  • from Iwate Nippo
    20 March 2021


  • from Iwate Nippo
    17 March 2021


  • from Sankei Biz
    11 March 2021
