About Andy Lankford
Andy Lankford is Distinguished Professor at University of California, Irvine, and serves as regional representative for the Americas in the ILC International Development Team (IDT).
Andy Lankford |
With 700 in-person attendees, the U.S. particle physics community discussed science questions and opportunities for its future at the University of Washington in Seattle during its Snowmass Community Summer Study. As the priority for the intermediate term, the vision for the future of the Energy Frontier calls for the fastest path towards a “Higgs factory” as a global partnership, and discussion recognized the ILC as the most technically-ready future Higgs factory candidate.
Andy Lankford | 26 November 2021
Now is the time to get involved in the strategic process that determines the future of particle physics in the US: Snowmass. “Have your say in the future of the field”, writes Andy Lankford, for example by contributing to the white paper or attending the central meeting. It is an opportunity to show the breadth of scientific possibilities the ILC has in store.
Andy Lankford | 31 January 2021
Over the last 15 years, Japanese support for the realisation of the International Linear Collider has grown. People of all stripes —academics, members of industry, artists and everyday science fans—have banded together to voice their support for the building the ILC in Japan. The latest in this wave of support is the formation of a new committee, which recently reported on an impressive set of efforts to promote the ILC, says Andy Lankford, regional representative for the Americas in the International Development Team IDT.
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JAHEP, Japan, Tohoku, US