27 November 2023
The ILC Technology Network Information Meeting was held at CERN on October 16 and 17. The event was jointly hosted by KEK and the IDT, and 21 research institutes from the Americas, Europe, and the Asia-Oceanian region presented their progress in ITN activities, or their areas of expertise and technical interests.
27 November 2023
The American Physical Society (APS) has announced that the 2024 Robert R. Wilson Prize for achievement in the physics of Particle Accelerators will be awarded to Kaoru Yokoya, a Diamond Fellow and Professor Emeritus of KEK Accelerator Laboratory, and fomer ILC Global Design Effort Asian Regional Director. He receives the prize for his outstanding contributions in the areas of the theory and control of beam polarization in electron storage rings, beam-beam interactions in linear colliders, crab-crossing and coherent beam-beam interactions in circular colliders, and bunched beam instabilities. Congratulations to Kaoru!
29 September 2023
On September 8, KEK announced that Shoji Asai, Director of the International Center for Elementary Particle Physics (ICEPP) at the University of Tokyo, was selected as the candidate for the next Director General. His term starts on 1 April 2024.
29 September 2023
On 7 July, KEK and CERN signed an agreement to support the development of the ILC Technology Network(ITN). This new framework of R&D will focus on ITN-specific technology developments and studies in Europe, with CERN acting as a coordinating and facilitating hub.
18 May 2023
Have you seen the latest video from ILC? It features interviews with Jenny List, Working Group Leader in the IDT, SLAC theorist Michael Peskin, and other experts discussing the exciting physics breakthroughs that the ILC could deliver. They also highlight the project's global collaboration, the various educational opportunities for students, and the focus on sustainability.
Feature | Tagged:
APS, detector R&D, ILC, physics case, video, YouTube
17 August 2022
The workshop pictures that used to be the norm are finally back! With 700 attendees, the lively face-to-face discussion returned to the community. Here are some photos from Snowmass Workshop by Keita Yumino, KEK.
4 July 2022
4 July 2022 marks the 10th anniversary of one of the most celebrated scientific breakthroughs of the 21st century - the discovery of the Higgs boson at CERN's Large Hadron Collider. ILC NewsLine presents our 10th anniversary of the Higgs discovery with our Higgs boson stories written 10 years ago.
4 July 2022
The discovery of the Higgs was announced exactly ten years ago and we're very proud to present some exclusive content to you: two giants of the Higgs particle discovery in conversation about initially refused papers, why Peter Higgs ended up in theoretical physics rather than in engineering, and more.
4 July 2022
Daniel Jeans, a particle physicist based at KEK and active blogger, looks back on what it was like witnessing the discovery as a young researcher.
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