12 May 2011
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, former President of India, gives a talk at Fermilab.
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Fermilab, India
5 May 2011
One hundred years ago, on 8 April 1911, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes and his staff at the Leiden Cryogenic Laboratory were the first to observe superconductivity. In a frozen mercury wire, contained in seven U-shaped capillaries in series, electrical resistance suddenly seemed to vanish at 4.16 K.
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5 May 2011
This year marks the centenary of the discovery of superconductivity, the property that allows us to focus bunches and bend beams, opening the way to probe the most basic principles of the universe. Without it, there would be little talk of accelerating gradients, quality factors or large colliders. In this issue, we celebrate the weird and fascinating phenomenon discovered 100 years ago.
5 May 2011
Look back on superconducting technology's contribution to the International Linear Collider and particle physics in back issues of ILC NewsLine. 22 April 2010 Superconducting cavities could help reducing nuclear waste radio-toxicity 28 January 2010 Successful beginning of S1 global at KEK 26 February 2009 Past successes in superconducting RF are a good omen for the ILC 6 December 2007 ILC challenges materials science 22 June 2005 Superconducting RF - a technological basis for the ILC
5 May 2011
These are the electrifying moments to make a scientist’s life worth living: take up work at a laboratory, carry out measurement series and, suddenly, see absolutely unexpected results – a tiny detail which is wrong. The measurements are repeated and tested for possible mistakes – but the unexpected proves true.
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5 May 2011
Learn all about superconductivity and its applications with these helpful online resources. Celebrating 100 years of Superconductivity To celebrate 100 years of superconductivity, IOP Publishing has made 100 articles available free to read for the duration of 2011 La supraconductivité dans tous ses états Un site interactif sur la supraconductivité Superconductivity in all its forms An interactive site on superconductivity NIST Online Museum of Quantum Voltage Standards A history of quantum voltage standards by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology
5 May 2011
CERN's video on superconducting magnets takes you from the pure physics of superconductivity to its application in particle colliders. See the Meissner effect in action and learn about how superconducting magnets were designed and installed in the Large Hadron Collider. View the video
Video of the week | Tagged:
LHC, superconducting magnet
5 May 2011
All over the world news outlets reflect on the remarkable achievements made possible by the discovery of Heike Kamerlingh Onnes on 8 April 1911. from BBC 18 April 2011 Superconductors got hot 25 years ago Superconductivity is a hundred years old this month, and a way to make it accessible turned 25 this week. But just how it does what it does remains a mystery even now. from Scientific American 8 April 2011 Absolute Hero: Heike Onnes's Discovery of Superconductors Turns 100 [Slide Show] A century after the discovery of materials that conduct electricity without resistance, the applications remain disappointingly limited. That may be about to change. from Science 8 April 2011 Superconductivity's Smorgasbord of Insights: A Movable Feast On 8 April 1911, physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes scrawled in a notebook misdated 1910, “Mercury practically zero.” Lost in a page of text, that cryptic phrase marks perhaps the most important discovery in the physics of materials. from physicsworld.com 6 April 2011 Down the path of least resistance Since its discovery 100 years ago, our understanding of superconductivity has developed in a far from smooth fashion. from Nature 1 April 2011 A very cool birthday Superconductivity may have reached its centenary, but if anything it's a more active field of research today than ever. From materials dull or shiny, to the race for the Higgs boson, superconductivity remains relevant and exciting.
28 April 2011
Geneva, 22 April 2011. Around midnight this night CERN’s Large Hadron Collider set a new world record for beam intensity at a hadron collider when it collided beams with a luminosity of 4.67 × 1032 cm-2s-1. This exceeds the previous world record of 4.024 × 1032 cm-2s-1, which was set by the US Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory’s Tevatron collider in 2010, and marks an important milestone in LHC commissioning. Read the CERN press release.
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28 April 2011
Michel Davier receives the 2010 André Lagarrigue Prize from Martial Ducloy, president of the French Physical Society, on 26 April at the Linear Accelerator Laboratory in Orsay, France.
Image of the week | Tagged:
France, Lagarrigue Prize, Orsay
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