About Mike Harrison
Mike Harrison is Associate Director for the International Linear Collider in the Linear Collider Collaboration.
Mike Harrison | 4 April 2013
The problems of succession to the throne have bedeviled society throughout the ages. For centuries the European approach seemed to involve bloodshed ranging from the personal to the national level. The recent transfer of power in the linear collider world might not have been violent, but it still faces the eternal question of “OK, so where do we go from here?” Here are some thoughts on the ILC programme.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cavity production, CLIC, cryomodule, Higgs factory, Technical Design Report
Mike Harrison | 30 August 2012
Americas Regional Director Mike Harrison reinterprets the dramatic reduction of the US ILC budget starting in the next financial year. Find out about US R&D plans and what all this has to do with sausages.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
budget, global collaboration, SCRF, United States, US, US budget
Mike Harrison | 27 October 2011
Superconducting radiofrequency technology is advancing, the ILC design is coming together, and the LHC programme is running exceptionally well, although the evidence for new physics remains tantalizing. The linear collider community is well on its way to bringing the next big particle collider to the world's stage.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
LCWS11, LHC, Superconducting RF
Mike Harrison | 6 January 2011
Is there ever a good time to be proposing the creation of a large and complex science facility? Probably not, but at face value we seem to have chosen a particularly inopportune moment to be raising this issue.
Mike Harrison | 25 February 2010
Mike Harrison describes a recent trip to Washington to talk to the US Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP); the home of the Presidential Science Advisor.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
office of science, OSTP, United States, Washington
Mike Harrison | 25 June 2009
The ILC, when built, will represent the latest in technology innovation and will be a global effort involving world-class talent. The Accelerator Design and Integration meeting held at DESY a few weeks ago is an example of the design process in action.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
particle acceleration
Mike Harrison | 25 September 2008
Given the arcane nature of the US budgetary system, I will describe this process, since the resources available to us, or the lack thereof, serve to drive the scope of the US ILC R&D effort.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
DOE, OHEP, United States, US budget
Mike Harrison | 27 September 2007
One of the principle goals of the Americas R&D programme reflects on the dominant role of superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) technology in the ILC design (and cost).
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Americas Regional Team, ART, R&D programme