Perrine Royole-Degieux | 23 March 2006
Right after the Bangalore meeting on 15 March, a fourth ILC communicator joined the Global Design Effort. Barbara Warmbein will be sharing the European duties with Perrine Royole-Degieux and will closely collaborate with Elizabeth Clements (Americas) and Youhei Morita (Asia). She is based at DESY and is taking over for Karsten Büesser. As an ILC communicator, she will write stories for ILC NewsLine and take care of the general communications business – making sure that colleagues, decision makers and eventually the public will be well aware of the exciting studies and results in the ILC community. She will also be the scientific assistant to Brian Foster, regional GDE Director for Europe, based in Oxford, England.
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ILC Communicators
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 16 March 2006
Design and Cost Board Peter Garbincius, chair of the GDE Design and Cost Board, presented their ongoing work. The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) provides templates to each GDE working group and helps them define their cost estimates. "The main issues of this group is to make sure that the final system will be consistent and acceptable for everyone. ", said Garbincius. "In principle, the WBS we made should be applicable to every sub-system." The board will make sure each group identifies the major costs. Once the cost drivers are identified, the board will assess if they can be reduced. "Another issue is to encourage the group to provide the Change Control Board with a certain level of details on major items, to reduce uncertainty in the global machine cost", said Garbincius. To help them, the Design and Cost Board will provide a "recipe" for cost estimation.
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change control board, design cost board, India
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 23 February 2006
Obtaining high luminosity beams will be crucial for the future International Linear Collider. An important indication on the beam quality is given by the emittance which depends on its size and opening angle. The lower the emittance, the easier it is to focus the beam and the more particle collisions can occur and be analysed. In the GDE the "Accelerator physics" group, a special team dedicated to the technical systems organised at CERN, on 08-11 February 2006, a "Low Emittance Transport Workshop". About 30 accelerator scientists, coming from all regions, attended it.
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beam emittance
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 9 February 2006
Last week, the future of particle physics in Europe was debated in Orsay (near Paris, France) from 30 January to 1 February. An Open Symposium, organised by the CERN Council Strategy Group, gathered more than 400 scientists from all over Europe, as well as representatives from North America and Asia.
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CERN Council Strategy Group, Europe, Orsay
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 26 January 2006
The French ILC community held a SOCLE meeting (Seminar Oriented towards a Contribution to an Electron Linear Collider) in Lyon on 12-13 January 2006. More than 70 participants attended a review of the ongoing ILC detector R&D effort in CNRS/IN2P3 and CEA/DAPNIA laboratories. Future prospects and organisation aspects were discussed. Software tools dedicated to physics analyses and detector optimisation were also debated, in preparation for the Detector Conceptual Report, which will be delivered to the GDE by the end of 2006.
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CALICE, CMOS, detector R&D, France, SiLC, TPC
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 19 January 2006
Since spring 2002, a working group chaired by UK theorist Georg Weiglein (IPPP, Durham) has been working out how to strengthen the interplay between the LHC and the ILC and how the physics outcome of both machines can be optimized.
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Perrine Royole-Degieux | 1 December 2005
On 14-17 November, the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) sponsored an ILC workshop in Vienna, Austria. François Richard, chairman of the "Organizing Committee ECFA Study of Physics and Detectors for a Linear Collider" and GDE member, explained the purposes of these workshops.
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