Tag archive: IHEP
Jie Gao | 28 May 2015
With the discovery of the Higgs particle at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in July 2012, after more than 50 years of searching, particle physics has finally entered the era of the Higgs, and the door for human beings to understand the unknown part of the Universe is wide open, says Jie Gao from IHEP in Beijing, China.
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CepC, China, European Strategy for Particle Physics, Fragrant Hill Meeting, IHEP, P5
YiLin Liu | 19 June 2014
During a recent visit to IHEP in China, an LCC delegation discussed China’s role in the ILC project, including how China is going to participate, what China is going to contribute and who is going to join the project, with scientists from IHEP and Chinese universities. They also visited IHEP's ILC 1.3 GHz superconducting accelerator module.
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YiLin Liu | 27 June 2013
From 12 to 14 June, the 464th Fragrant Hill Science Conference on “The Next-generation High Energy Electron Positron Collider - Current Situation and Future Strategy” was held in the Beijing Fragrant Hill Hotel. Thirty-five front-line scientists from theoretical physics, experimental physics, detectors and accelerators from eleven institutes in China joined the conference. Scientists reviewed the achievements of high-energy-frontier experiments and current research programmes on particle physics both at home and abroad. They also discussed China's strategy for the next-generation high-energy electron-positron colliders.
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China, electron-positron collider, IHEP, ILC
Qian Pan | 20 September 2012
Qian Pan, a new ILC communicator for Asia, introduces herself. Qian, who is called Peggy by all her non-Chinese colleagues, is based at IHEP in Beijing. She shares her time between the Foreign Affairs Department of IHEP and ILC communications.
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Asia, China, IHEP, ILC Communicators
Min Zhang and Qian Pan | 23 February 2012
Jialin Xie, a 92-year-old specialist in particle accelerators, was awarded the State Top Scientific and Technological Award by President Jintao Hu at a ceremony held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on 14 February. Xie is best known for helping China build its first high-energy electron linear accelerator in 1964 and for contributing to the research and design of the Beijing Electron Positron Collider in the 1980s.
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award, BEPC, CAS, China, IHEP, State Top Scientific and Technological Award
Rika Takahashi | 2 February 2012
Shin-ichi Kurokawa, professor emeritus of KEK, has been awarded the 2011 award for International Scientific Cooperation by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Since the eighties, Kurokawa has been actively promoting academic cooperation and exchanges in science and technology between Japan and China, and later expanded it to Asian-wide collaborative research. He also served as chair of the Asian Committee for Future Accelerators and of the ILC Steering Committee.
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Leah Hesla | 17 November 2011
Jefferson Lab in the US and the Institute for High Energy Physics in China sign a formal agreement that will further accelerator cavity research.
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1.3 GHz, cavity testing, IHEP, IHEP-01, international collaboration, JLab, nine-cell cavity
Min Zhang | 8 September 2011
Researchers gather in Beijing to discuss the latest and future research on positron sources for a next-generation linear collider at this year’s POSIPOL workshop.
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IHEP, polarised positron beam, PosiPol, positron source, positron target
Min Zhang | 2 September 2010
The European X-ray Free Electron Laser (European XFEL) and the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) are two important international cooperative science facilities mainly led by Germany. China has participated in the R&D of some detectors, low-temperature systems, high-performance undulators, superconducting material and special material for these projects. On 29 August 2008, the project "Basic Research on the FEL and FAIR" supported by China's national programme for key basic research and development (officially called 973 programme) started. The project is coordinated by the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Science (IHEP), and about ten different research institutes, universities and corporations in China participate in this project, including the Institute of Modern Physics, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Orient Tantalum Industry Corp. (OTIC), etc.
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Min Zhang | 22 July 2010
A 1.3-Gigahertz low-loss type large-grain nine-cell superconducting cavity called IHEP-01 produced at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Beijing, China, achieved an accelerating gradient of 20 Megavolts per metre in its first vertical test at KEK on 1 July. This may not be the design gradient yet, but it marks an important progress on the research and development of superconducting radio frequency (SRF) technology in China.
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1.3 GHz, Beijing, cavity gradient, China, IHEP, IHEP-01, nine-cell cavity, SRF technology
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