About Steinar Stapnes
Steinar Stapnes is the European Representative in the ILC International Development Team's Executive Board.
Steinar Stapnes | 7 November 2013
As the worldwide linear collider community comes together during the LCWS 2013 meeting in Tokyo next week, the CLIC collaboration has already started to plan their next major event, the 2014 CLIC workshop at CERN from 3 to 7 February. Steinar Stapnes, Associate Director for the Compact Linear Collider Study, reports.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, CERN, CLIC, detector R&D
Steinar Stapnes | 22 August 2013
It has been another summer with discussions about future strategies for international particle physics. After work on the European Strategy last summer, the US strategy is on the table this summer. For the linear collider work the strategy processes have been positive, reports Steinar Stapnes, Associate Director for CLIC in the Linear Collider Collaboration. Researchers are closely following decisions being made in Japan.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, ILC, Japan, Snowmass
Steinar Stapnes | 16 May 2013
The European Strategy for Particle Physics is expected to be adopted by the CERN Council end May. The physics potential of future linear colliders is well recognised in the Strategy statements. As global projects have cross-regional consequences, this strategy could have a wide impact in and beyond Europe.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CERN, CLIC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, ILC
Steinar Stapnes | 6 December 2012
It is reporting season: the ILC community is producing the Technical Design Report that also includes the Detector Baseline Design reports, and the CLIC collaboration with associated Detector and Physics studies group have been hard at work completing the CLIC Conceptual Design Report (CDR). The documentation probably surpasses by a large amount - in scope, details and volume - what is normally called a CDR for a project, but then again, there is a lot of work to report on.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, CLIC, Conceptual Design Report, detector R&D
Steinar Stapnes | 26 January 2012
There's a lot to be optimistic and excited about in 2012. CERN’s Large Hadron Collider results should provide guidance towards a linear collider implementation and the linear collider community is technically well prepared. The ILC technology is well developed and the Technical Design Report is under way. The CLIC technology is also moving rapidly forward: the physics and detectors volume of the Conceptual Design Report was completed just last December.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CDR, CERN, CLIC, Conceptual Design Report, European Strategy for Particle Physics, LHC, physics and detectors