
Category archive: Feature

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The Open Day at CERN – My first encounter with particle physics

17 April 2008 Being the new CERN/LHC Communicator for Germany but not having a degree in physics (I worked at the press office of the Centre for European Economic Research in Mannheim, Germany, for the past ten years), the CERN Open Day was an excellent opportunity to learn more about particle physics and "the world's largest particle physics laboratory" that I wouldn't have wanted to miss. The crowds were massive, but with the help of a press badge I managed to see a good variety of events and places. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , ,

Collaboration between India and Japan for SCRF technology

| 10 April 2008 India's Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT) is a leading institute for research and development in lasers, accelerators and their applications. In the Indian government's current five-year plan (April 2007-April 2012), building infrastructure and developing the technology of niobium superconducting radiofrequency (SCRF) cavities are the two major objectives for high-energy physics and accelerator-related projects. Following this plan, RRCAT wants to build its own electropolishing (EP) facility in India, and three scientists visited Japan to participate in the commissioning of the new EP system at KEK. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , ,

Accelerator Advisory Panel to help Project Managers

| 3 April 2008 The TILC08 meeting in Sendai saw the first gathering of the new Accelerator Advisory Panel (AAP). Other than the yet to be established Project Advisory Committee, which will be formed following a request from the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC) and will consist mainly of machine and detector experts from outside the ILC community, the AAP is an internal body, there to advise the Global Design Effort director and to give critical recommendations. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , ,

Michel Davier chairs the International Detector Advisory Group

| 13 March 2008 Michel Davier, senior French physicist at LAL and Professor at University Paris-Sud 11, will chair the International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG) of the ILC project. “It is an honour for me to serve the ILC project, especially in this particularly interesting stage when the experimental landscape is being established,” says Davier. He has worked on electron-positron colliders for more than 30 years and he was LAL director for ten years in the eighties. Playing a leading role in particle physics in France, especially within the CELLO (DESY), ALEPH (CERN) and BaBar (SLAC) experiment collaborations, he is also a member of the French Academy of Sciences. In another aspect of his scientific career, he has been one of the leaders of the French-Italian Virgo project aiming at the detection of gravitational waves with a giant interferometer, thus sharing common scientific background with Global Design Effort Director Barry Barish, former director of the LIGO project in the US. Category: Feature | Tagged:

ICFA Statement on Funding for the Linear Collider

| 6 March 2008 What do you do when you are director of a lab and chairman of a large international committee and have been invited to different events on different continents on the same day, assuming you don't have clones? You try to attend both -- at least virtually. Albrecht Wagner, DG of DESY in Hamburg and chair of the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA), gave an ICFA talk at the opening plenary of this week's TILC08 meeting that he had recorded earlier. Category: Feature | Tagged: , ,

From Fermilab Today: SCRF meeting establishes compatibility framework

1 May 2008 Scientists from around the world work to develop components for future linear accelerators that use superconducting radiofrequency cavities. Research efforts should allow for a more efficient and cost-effective approach to furthering this technology. Category: Feature | Tagged: , ,

ILC meets the CLIC team

| 28 February 2008 After the Large Hadron Collider, the science community agrees that particle physicists will need an electron-positron linear collider to fully understand and discover the potential new science at high energy regimes. Apart from the International Linear Collider - whose ‘cold’ accelerating technology is based on superconducting radiofrequency cavities – another variant of an electron collider, based on a warm accelerating technology is under study: the Compact Linear Collider Study (CLIC). The two teams held a meeting at CERN on 8 February to investigate the connections between the two projects and to list potential cooperative efforts on common activities. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , ,

Looking inside

| 21 February 2008 At the ILC, roughly 16,000 superconducting RF cavities made of pure niobium will accelerate electrons and positrons to the high energy of 500 GeV. Each one-metre-long cavity consists of nine cells, polished to provide micrometre-level surface smoothness and absolutely no impurities. The inside of the cavities need to literally sparkle since any surface blemishes or dust could cause them to lose their superconductivity, making them unable to sustain the electric field needed to accelerate particles. ILC scientists around the world are devoted to trying to get a higher yield rate for producing good-quality cavities by improving surface treatment methods and inspection procedures. A group of scientists from Kyoto University and KEK jointly developed the novel inspection system to take a close look at the interior surface of the cavities, and produced remarkable results. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , , ,

Accelerating past the finishing line

| 14 February 2008 It was supposed be the wrap-up meeting of a successful accelerator physics project. However, when the news came that the EU-funded EUROTeV was going to be extended, the meeting in Frascati, Italy, from 23 to 25 January turned into both a summary and a future-planning session. “We've got another year to go and the project is as useful now as it was at the kick-off meeting in 2004,” says scientific coordinator Nick Walker from DESY. The collaboration contributed big chunks of R&D to the Reference Design Report and thinks that most of the work can prove useful for projects beyond the ILC. “With the collected EUROTeV expertise in beam dynamics, optics design, positron source R&D and much more we’re almost regarded as an institution,” adds project coordinator Eckhard Elsen. Category: Feature | Tagged:

Together as one: ILD community meets in Zeuthen

7 February 2008 A global project like the ILC depends on global cooperation. The contributors are scattered all over the world. Researchers cannot simply walk down the hall to get advice from a colleague because he is likely to sit somewhere half a world away. However, there is technology that helps scientists to cover these distances virtually: discussions in internet forums and regular telephone and video conferences are part of any scientist’s everyday life. Category: Feature | Tagged: