Elizabeth Clements | 8 December 2005A group of universities in the United States are currently testing prototype detectors that could be used for a muon system in the International Linear Collider. With the help of some high school students from Quarknet, an educational program that brings students and teachers into the laboratories, the University of Notre Dame completed two of the eight large rectangular planes that make up the prototype detector this past summer. These planes are now undergoing tests and collecting cosmic ray data at Fermilab.
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 1 December 2005On 14-17 November, the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) sponsored an ILC workshop in Vienna, Austria. François Richard, chairman of the "Organizing Committee ECFA Study of Physics and Detectors for a Linear Collider" and GDE member, explained the purposes of these workshops.
Category: Feature | Tagged: ECFA
Elizabeth Clements | 17 November 2005At the Snowmass Workshop, amid the debates over detectors, linac design and costing estimates, a committee organized an accelerator school to recruit new young physicists to join the International Linear Collider collaboration. On 17 August, a nine-person committee chaired by Global Design Effort Director Barry Barish met to start organizing the International School for Linear Colliders. The first global accelerator school to have such a defined focus, the International School for Linear Colliders will be held on 19 May 2006 to 27 May 2006 at Sokendai, the Graduate School for Advanced Studies, in Hayama, Japan, just 70 kilometers south of Tokyo. The committee will accept up to 80 students from around the globe.
Category: Feature | Tagged: Linear Collider Accelerator School, linear collider school
Elizabeth Clements | 10 November 2005On Friday, 4 November, the Funding Agencies for the Linear Collider (FALC) met at Fermilab. At the meeting, representatives from funding agencies and governments around the world discussed the various issues involved with funding an International Linear Collider.
Category: Feature | Tagged: FALC, funding, funding agencies
Elizabeth Clements | 20 October 2005Four unprocessed TESLA cavities recently arrived at Fermilab for measurements and testing. The 9-cell, 1.3 Ghz cavities, manufactured by ACCEL in Germany, will be used to construct the first U.S. cryomodule for International Linear Collider R&D near the end of 2006.
Category: Feature | Tagged: 1.3 GHz, cavity, Fermilab, TESLA
6 October 2005Traditional circular accelerators around , like LEP and KEKB, accelerate electrons and positrons in rings into opposite directions respectively. A bunch of electrons and another bunch of positrons encounter each other many times in a ring, and consequently have many chances to collide. In the ILC on the other hand, electrons and positrons are accelerated oppositely, meeting only once at the collision point. No consolation match is allowed.
Category: Feature | Tagged: ATF, KEK