
Author archive: Gerrit Hörentrup (DESY)

From DESY inForm: Under one roof

| 19 December 2013 One-stop (work)shopping for high-gradient cavities: in a new lab at DESY in Hamburg all inspection and treatment processes for cavities come together under one roof to make treatment faster and more reliable and prepare for serial production. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , ,

Light through the wall – take 2

| 15 September 2011 DESY’s ALPS experiment aims high by searching low, looking for lightweight particles in the low-energy range. The lightweight particles could clue us into the nature of dark matter or dark energy, and ALPS is being upgraded to make more precise measurements than it could before. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , ,

A grand tuning voyage

| 27 August 2009 When groups from different countries work together the usual procedure is to send the people to the machines they are working on. A team of engineers and technicians from DESY, Fermilab and KEK decided to do the exact opposite: they sent the machines to the people. On 3 August two machines constructed at DESY embarked on a voyage to Fermilab in the US. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , ,