1 December 2011
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) team at CERN are investigating the potential of a new kind of particle accelerator, and to help them they are simulating their designs using grid resources, such the UK computing grid for particle physics, GridPP. They build a customised version of the DIRAC system, called ILCDirac, a grid environment for both CLIC and similar experiments which is aimed at benefitting the entire linear collider community. Read the full article in International Science Grid This Week This is an edited version of an article that first appeared on the GridPP website
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CLIC, Grid
23 November 2011
The Illinois Accelerator Research Center, or IARC, will provide a state-of-the-art facility for accelerator research, education and industrialisation. Located on the Fermilab campus, near Chicago in the US, the new building will house 42,000 square feet of offices, technical and educational space for scientists and engineers from Fermilab, Argonne, local universities and industrial partners. Read also in Fermilab Today: "CDF and DZero buildings to house new projects"
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23 November 2011
Almost a year of work, more than 50 meetings and plenty of diplomacy went into calculating the LHC experiments’ first combination of Higgs search results. The study, made public on 18 November, eliminates several hints the individual experiments saw in previous analyses but leaves in play the favored mass range for the Higgs boson, between 114 and 141 GeV. ATLAS and CMS ruled out at a 95 percent confidence level a Higgs boson with a mass between 141 and 476 GeV.
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Higgs boson, LHC
17 November 2011
At the Superconducting Test Facility (STF) at KEK, Japan, the construction of the injector cryomodule equipped with two ILC-type nine-cell cavities has begun for the Quantum Beam experiment. The cavity string has been brought out of the clean room, ready for tuner installation. The gas return pipe is being readied to be placed in the cold-mass assembly framework.
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KEK, Quantum Beam experiment, STF, superconducting cavity
10 November 2011
Last month, a true tabletop electron accelerator was shown to the public for the first time during the CNRS exhibition Entrée en matière in Trocadéro's gardens in Paris, France. This model was built to serve as a general introduction to the understanding of the principles underlying accelerator operations in general and more specifically colliders. The public can actually see and manipulate the controls and therefore easily grasp what is happening. The model is a small replica of the Orsay storage ring (Anneau de Collision d’Orsay, ACO) at LAL. ACO was in service as a collider from 1965 to 1980 with an energy of 500 MeV for each beam. The real accelerator is now a museum, listed on the French heritage register. Learn more (in French) about the model called "Electrons' dance".
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CNRS, Orsay, outreach
10 November 2011
The most ambitious future application under study is for the International Linear Collider (ILC), a 500 GeV superconducting linear accelerator. It will require 16 km of superconducting cavities operating at gradients of 31.5 MV/m. Intense research is underway to reach a high yield for high gradients: 30–40 MV/m. New vendors for niobium, for cavities and for associated components are being developed around the world.
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SRF technology, superconducting cavity
3 November 2011
On 30 September, LCWS11 was winding down in Granada, Spain. On the other side of the world, the Tevatron shut down after 28 years of operation. Fermilab celebrated the life of the collider with a lab-wide ceremony and party.
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Fermilab, Tevatron
27 October 2011
Earlier this month Jean-Pierre Delahaye retired as CERN's CLIC Study Leader. A reception was held in his honour at CERN.
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27 October 2011
Linear collider detector developers inside and outside CERN are tackling the next generation of detector technology. While their focus has centred on high-energy linear collider detectors, their innovative concepts and designs will be applicable to any future detector.
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CLIC, detector R&D
20 October 2011
The optical inspection system OBACHT at DESY moved to a new lab roughly 25 metres below the surface in one of the former experimental halls of the HERA accelerator. Becoming good neighbours - OBACHT and HERA!
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