6 December 2012
The Global Design Effort and ILC Research Directorate, the international planning team for the International Linear Collider (ILC), will hand over the draft of the ILC Technical Design Report (TDR) to its internal oversight board ILC Steering Committee (ILCSC) in an official ceremony to be held in Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan on 15 December 2012 at 14:00 h JST. This marks the first step towards the completion of the final design for the ILC project.
21 November 2012
Last week at Fermilab, a select group of experts discussed whether an accelerator to purely exploit the science around the Higgs(-like) particle found at the LHC should be linear, circular or something completely different. The participants compared the options of a linear 250-GeV electron-positron collider and a circular 125 GeV electron-positron collider from the accelerator point of view as well as physics requirements for a Higgs Factory and other options for a Higgs Factory, including a muon collider and a gamma-gamma collider. More about the workshop and an article in symmetry magazine.
21 November 2012
Pier Oddone reports from the latest meeting of FALC at Fermilab. "It is a particularly interesting time for this organization with the discovery at CERN of a Higgs-like particle and the statements by the Japanese high-energy physics community of their strong desire to host the International Linear Collider in Japan. While the Japanese government has not issued a formal statement inviting the world to help Japan build this global facility, the ILC clearly enjoys strong political support in Japan, where it is part of a broader effort to create a new global city. It is natural in the interim for our Japanese colleagues to seek support from the rest of the world, which would help convince their government to go ahead with such a project."
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8 November 2012
According to the Standard Model, the mass of the Higgs boson should be enormous. But recent experimental results suggest it’s quite small, indicating that scientists might need to go beyond the Standard Model to explain the new particle.
Feature | Tagged:
Higgs, Higgs boson
8 November 2012
The original CERN convention, which was drafted nearly 60 years ago, foresaw that the organization should have a role as co-ordinator for European particle physics, as well as operating international accelerator laboratories. Today, this role is more appropriate than ever: the long lead times usually required to prepare and construct facilities and experiments for modern high-energy physics, together with the increased costs for these activities, underlie the need for a general European strategy in the field. So it was natural for CERN Council to initiate the creation of a European Strategy for Particle Physics in June 2005 and to establish dedicated groups for reviewing the scientific status and producing a proposal. They consulted widely with the community, funding agencies and policy makers in preparing the strategy document, which was adopted by Council in July 2006 during a dedicated session in Lisbon.
Feature | Tagged:
CERN, European Strategy for Particle Physics
1 November 2012
...and for those who could not make it to the lecture "The Standard Model, Higgs Boson, Who cares?" by Nobel laureate Steven Weinberg at last week's LCWS12 meeting, the organiser have put it on YouTube. Well, the closing sentence and the question-and-answer session are there – there were sound problems for the lecture itself. However, even the Q&As are well worth watching. And should Weinberg be seen wearing an LCWS volunteer t-shirt and laser pointer any time soon, the video explains why.
Video of the week | Tagged:
public lecture
Video: DESY | 25 October 2012
Coming soon to YouTube channels near you: a complete video tour of the ILC, based on all available CAD data. Road signs have been added for orientation, and a voiceover will explain what you see, and why it looks the way it does. Stay tuned!
Video of the week | Tagged:
3D model, CAD
Images: Margie Jackmack and Victor Reece | 25 October 2012
Linear Collider Workshops have broken records in the past - not only in number of parallel sessions held, but also in visitor numbers for particle slams, for example. Wednesday saw another such record: 1200 people attended Steven Weinberg's lecture at the University of Texas in Arlington, which was the public event for the LCWS12 workshop. The venue had never held so many people before.
Slideshow | Tagged:
25 October 2012
CERN's newsletter, the CERN Bulletn, reports on progress from CLIC: In early October, the CLIC collaboration published its final Conceptual Design Report. Accompanying it was a strategic summary document that describes a whole new approach to the project: developing the linear e+e− collider in three energy stages. Though CLIC’s future still depends on signs from the LHC, its new staged approach to high-energy electron-positron physics for the post-LHC era is nothing short of convincing.
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18 October 2012
SLAC's YouTube channel has more on klystrons, and of course the legendary klystron gallery. In a video about SLAC's Vacuum Microwave Device Department (VMDD), introduces itself as those people who build the devices that make SLAC's particle accelerators go: klystrons. These devices generate intense waves of microwave energy that rocket subatomic particles up to nearly the speed of light. Department head Andy Haase takes us behind the scenes where klystrons are born. These devices are developed, designed and fabricated by teams of physicists, engineers and technicians in coordination across several departments within SLAC's Accelerator Directorate. Check out the AD website
Video of the week | Tagged:
klystron, RF power, SLAC
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