Image: CERN/M. Lapka | 15 March 2012
Young researchers analysing real high-energy collisions from the LHC at CERN. From 27 February to 24 March, about 8000 high school students in 31 countries come to one of about 120 nearby universities or research centres for one day in order to unravel the mysteries of particle physics. Lectures from active scientists give insight in topics and methods of basic research at the fundaments of matter and forces, enabling the students to perform measurements on real data from particle physics experiments themselves. At the end of each day, as in an international research collaboration, the participants join in a video conference for discussion and combination of their results. View more photos from CERN | Read more about the masterclasses in ILC NewsLine
Image of the week | Tagged:
CERN, education, school
8 March 2012
At the Fermilab Test Beam Facility, scientists from around the world line up to test new detector technologies that will help shape the future of particle physics. Whether experimenters need a few pions or lots of protons, the FTBF can deliver: It offers the only high-energy hadron test beam in the United States. It is a proving ground for particle detector designs being developed for experiments at accelerator laboratories in the United States, Europe and Japan. Last year alone, the facility accommodated 13 experiments. In the future, it might even host detector tests for medical imaging applications. Read the full story
Around the World | Tagged:
detector R&D, Fermilab Test Beam Facility, FTBF
Image: Dirk Noelle | 8 March 2012
Visitors ramble where electrons will one day whizz: a large number of people working at DESY and the European XFEL were treated to a rare trip underground into the recently completed but still completely empty tunnel for the European XFEL. And empty tunnels make for good images. Read more about the European-XFEL tunnel
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Image: Nobu Toge | 1 March 2012
The Quantum Beam Project at KEK's Superconducting Test Facility is being prepared for start-up. On 27 February, scientists successfully produce and extract the beam from the RF-gun.
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KEK, Quantum Beam Project, STF
Images: Jefferson Lab | 23 February 2012
Charles Reece, deputy director of Jefferson Lab’s Institute for Superconducting Radiofrequency Science and Technology, leads GDE Executive Committee members on a tour of the new facilities that will be available upon completion of the Technology and Engineering Development Facility, a $72 million structure that will keep the lab in the forefront of SRF developments. John Hogan, Jefferson Lab SRF Cryomodule Production Leader, shows GDE Executive Committee members the sixth C100 cryomodule (of ten) being produced at Jefferson Lab as part of the lab's 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade Project. This cryomodule is at the cold-mass assembly stage and Hogan is discussing the integrated design of the components as they relate to overall cryomodule performance. Members of the GDE Executive Committee pause during a tour of Jefferson Lab's Institute for Superconducting Radiofrequency Science and Technology for a group photo between two C100 cryomodules being built for Jefferson Lab's 12 GeV Upgrade.
Image of the week | Tagged:
executive committee, GDE, Jefferson Lab
23 February 2012
Meetings for the International Linear Collider Steering Committee and the International Committee for Future Accelerators recently took place in Oxford, England. One of the principal issues discussed at both meetings was a new organisation for the worldwide linear collider effort.
Feature | Tagged:
future colliders, ICFA, ILCSC
Image: Hans-Joachim Christ, DESY | 16 February 2012
A delegation from the Japanese Society of Civil Engineering visited the European labs CERN and DESY this month to learn about how the laboratories run their projects.
Image of the week | Tagged:
CERN, civil engineering, DESY, Japan
9 February 2012
The next-generation B factory to be built in Italy will reach new levels in luminosity by employing the innovative crab-waist scheme at the beam collision point. The SuperB concept represents a real breakthrough in collider design. The low-emittance ring has its roots in R&D for the International Linear Collider (ILC) and could be used as a system-test for the design of the ILC damping ring. The invention of the crab-waist final focus could also have an impact on the current generation of circular colliders. Read more in CERN Courier
Around the World | Tagged:
crab-waist final focus, damping ring, Italy, Super B
9 February 2012
Image: Nobu TogeKEK hosted the third ILC Baseline Technical Review meeting last month. Read more about the main linac and super conducting radiofrequency technology decisions in this issue's Director's Corner.
Image of the week | Tagged:
baseline technical review, KEK, main linac, SRF
2 February 2012
During its December meetings, CERN Council announced that an Open Symposium will be held in Cracow on 10–13 September 2012 for the purpose of updating the European Strategy for Particle Physics. Council adopted Europe’s current strategy for the field in July 2006 with an understanding that it be brought up to date at appropriate intervals of typically five years. The Open Symposium is part of a process designed to get the maximum input from the particle-physics community, as well as from other stakeholders both inside and outside Europe, as Europe’s strategy forms part of a global whole. Read more in CERN Courier
Around the World | Tagged:
CERN, European Strategy for Particle Physics, Poland
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