7 July 2011
Users can take a virtual tour through the European XFEL tunnel, currently under construction, walking through the newly planned facilities to get an idea of its space and future working conditions. The nine-cell structures of pure niobium are designed to speed up the electrons at DESY's FLASH, the European XFEL, and the ILC. The picture was taken in DESY’s IPP stereo projection room, where it is possible to project and view three-dimensional models on a 1:1 scale.
Image of the week | Tagged:
DESY, nine-cell cavity
30 June 2011
Junior high school students in the Tsukuba area visited KEK for their school's job experience programme. Here they use a Kyoto camera to look for defects on the inside of an accelerating cavity.
Image of the week | Tagged:
camera, KEK, Kyoto camera
23 June 2011
In Spring 2011, an electron beam welding (EBW) machine was delivered to Japan from a manufacturer in Germany for building a cavity production test plant on the Tsukuba campus of KEK. This picture shows the electron gun, which was recently placed on top of the EBW vacuum vessel with help from a German engineer.
Image of the week | Tagged:
electron beam welding machine, KEK
16 June 2011
Attendees at the second workshop on linac operation with long bunch trains at DESY, Germany from 6-8 June 2011. Stay tuned to a future issue of ILC NewsLine for more on the workshop.
9 June 2011
Image: Reidar HahnUnited States Secretary of Energy Steven Chu discusses the importance of fundamental research at a public lecture on 2 June at Fermilab. Read about his talk.
Image of the week | Tagged:
DOE, Fermilab, public lecture
2 June 2011
Image: Nobuko Kobayashi Kaoru Yokoya reflects on his life as an accelerator scientist at KEK during his retirement talk on 31 May. Yokoya retired from KEK on 31 March. He remains with the ILC as an Asia regional director.
Image of the week | Tagged:
Asia Regional Director, KEK
26 May 2011
Image: Nobu TogeAfter repairing some hardware components that were broken in the earthquake of 11 March, the recovery work at ATF is now focusing on fixing the overall hardware alignment using an optical survey technique. This will be followed by recovery of the cooling water, excitation of the magnet and the radiofrequency power, and test beam operation later this month and toward summer 2011.
Image of the week | Tagged:
ATF, earthquake, KEK
26 May 2011
With the LHC up and running, some might imagine physicists just waiting for a Higgs boson to pop up in one of the four experiments, before publishing a paper and moving on to solve science’s next Big Mystery. However this picture is very far from the reality of experimental particle physics today, where results are based on statistics, statistics and yet more statistics.
Feature | Tagged:
discoveries, Higgs boson, LHC, particle physics
19 May 2011
The space shuttle Endeavour launched from Kennedy Space Center on 16 May 2011 for its final mission, a flight to the International Space Station. It took with it the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02), an experiment that will look for evidence of dark matter and antimatter. View CERN's webcast of the launch, followed by explanations from AMS scientists. View the AMS installation on the International Space Station on 19 May 2011.
Video of the week | Tagged:
Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, AMS
12 May 2011
As of now, our highest priority is the restoration of both campuses so that they can resume scientific activities as the Japanese Inter-University Research Institute Corporation and one of the world’s leading accelerator-science research laboratories.
Around the World | Tagged:
earthquake, Japan, KEK
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