
Author archive: ilc-newsline

University of Michigan Experiments with Silicon Microstrip Detectors

6 April 2006 Because high precision measurements will be the hallmark of experiments at the International Linear Collider, the project will require a detector with highly technical components to accurately measure the properties of the emerging particles. From beam position monitors to measuring particle flow, groups of physicists at universities across the U.S. are contributing to detector designs for the ILC. A group of researchers at the University of Michigan is contributing to international studies on the charged particle tracker, a critical component that measures the trajectories of electrically charged particles as they cross a magnetic field.

Help Your GDE Communicators

6 April 2006 On the week after the International Accelerator School for Linear Collider, InterAction communicators and ILC outreach committee members from all three regions will meet at KEK on 29-31 May to discuss the issues of ILC commmunications. Anyone who is interested in ILC communications is encouraged to attend. Provisioned members are InterAction, ILC communicators, regional ILC outreach committee members and industrial forum members.

Dark Matter Determines the Universe

23 March 2006 You may see thousands of stars or countless numbers of galaxies in the night sky. The universe is so vast that it would seem like just an infinite number of galaxies are out there. But in fact, what a human observes in the universe as visible light or any other form of radiation is just a fraction of what actually exists. Category: Feature | Tagged:

Hosting the LCWS06

16 March 2006 Rohini Godbole of the Indian Institute of Science, who hosted the combined workshop of LCWS06 and the third Global Design Effort meeting, sees the value of combining the phenomenologists, theorists, experimentalists, accelerator physicists, and people from industry to come together in one place. Category: Around the World | Tagged: ,

Friendly Advice — KEK Publishes Interim Report on International Linear Collider

9 March 2006 When you need to make a decision, it is useful to have advice from influential people whom you trust. As the Director General of KEK, this was what Yoji Totsuka did to lead the future of high energy physics in Japan when ICFA announced the technology choice for the ILC. He set up a private ad hoc committee at KEK to discuss how Japan should play a major role in this international scientific project at an unprecedented scale.

Detector Options for the ILC

9 March 2006 If built, the International Linear Collider will hurl tiny electrons and positrons down 26 miles of accelerator, colliding the particles at the center in a microscopic explosion. But what good is it all if you can't see it happen? Category: Feature | Tagged: ,

EUDET Kicks Off

2 March 2006 Approximately 100 participants met at DESY on 15-17 February for two and a half days of intense discussions at the EUDET Kick-Off meeting. EUDET is a European Integrated Infrastructure Initiative aiming at the improvement and development of infrastructures for ILC detector developments. Twenty-two participating institutes and 21 associated institutes join forces in a project with a budget of approximately 21.5 million Euros, of which the European Commission contributes 7 million Euros. The project started officially six weeks before the Kick-off meeting on 1 January 2006 and will run for four years. The Kick-off meeting was the first opportunity for the whole collaboration to come together and discuss future plans in detail. Category: Uncategorized | Tagged:

ALCPG and GDE Announce Vancouver Linear Collider Workshop, 19-23 July 2006

16 February 2006 On behalf of the ALCPG and GDE, the Local Organising Committee of the Vancouver Linear Collider Workshop, invites you to the July 2006 joint meeting of the American Linear Collider Physics Group and the International Linear Collider Global Design Effort - organized by TRIUMF on the Campus of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, Wednesday 19th to noon Sunday 23rd July. Category: Around the World | Tagged:

TRIUMF Kicker Group Experiments with 6 Nanosecond Pulses

9 February 2006 The rise and fall times of the pulses in the injection kickers influence the minimum circumference of the damping rings in the International Linear Collider. The Baseline Configuration Document features 6 km rings which will require pulsers to feed 50 ohm stripline kickers. The 5 kV (kilovolt) pulses must have 6 ns (nanosecond) rise and fall times, and a total duration of approximately 14 ns. Operating in a burst mode, every 5 seconds the kicker will have a 3 MHz (megahertz) burst that lasts 1 ms (millisecond). The combination of the electric component from the 5 kV voltage pulse and the magnetic component from the accompanying 100 A (amp) current pulse will deflect the electron and positron beams. The temporal specification of the kicker pulse presents a challenge to the existing generation of pulser technology. Category: Feature | Tagged:

The Events in the Period of Chinese New Year 2006

2 February 2006 The first day of the 2006 Chinese New Year was on 29 January 2006. Following the 6 January announcement that an international research collaboration observed a resonant state at the upgraded Beijing Spectrometer (BESII), scientists celebrated very good news at this important Chinese festival. The discovery, which was reported in the 31 December 2005 issue of the Physical Review Letters, has aroused broad interest from the global high-energy physics community (detailed report). We believe that more interesting discoveries could be found in BES-III of BEPC-II, which is under construction at IHEP, Beijing, China. Category: Around the World | Tagged: