
Author archive: Jenny List

About Jenny List

Jenny List (DESY) is the WG3 Chair of the ILC International Development Team.

Shaping the future at the Linear Collider Vision Community Event

and | 30 January 2025 The Linear Collider Vision Community Event, held from 8 to 10 January at CERN and on zoom, took a fresh look at the physics case, extensions and technologies of a linear collider facility – and proposing such a facility for implementation at CERN. This article summarises the discussion and gives an outlook on the next steps towards the European Particle Physics Strategy Update.

Introducing a Global Linear Collider Vision

| 29 November 2024 At the LCWS2024, held at Tokyo University from 8 to 11 July, around 350 members of the linear collider community discussed for the first time a new global vision towards a linear collider facility, and how to make it happen somewhere in the world – in Japan or elsewhere. Ideas are concept-independent and everybody is invited to take part. This Director’s Corner summarises the discussion and gives an outlook on the next steps.

The IDT’s Physics and Detector Working Group after Snowmass

| 17 November 2022 The International Development Team has a new member: Jenny List from DESY has taken over the leadership of the Physics and Detector Working Group. In her first Corner, she describes the changing future collider landscape and calls for a readjustment of the priorities and the role of the Physics and Detector community. State-of-the-art technologies and excellent software are essential for any future project, but a sharpened physics case for a Higgs factory is just as essential, she says. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,

From CERN Courier: ILC: beyond the Higgs

, and | 26 February 2021 The high-luminosity, polarised beams of the proposed International Linear Collider and the triggerless operation of its detectors offer rich physics opportunities beyond its Higgs-factory programme.