About Jenny List
Jenny List (DESY) is the WG3 Chair of the ILC International Development Team.
Jenny List and Steinar Stapnes | 30 January 2025
The Linear Collider Vision Community Event, held from 8 to 10 January at CERN and on zoom, took a fresh look at the physics case, extensions and technologies of a linear collider facility – and proposing such a facility for implementation at CERN. This article summarises the discussion and gives an outlook on the next steps towards the European Particle Physics Strategy Update.
Jenny List | 29 November 2024
At the LCWS2024, held at Tokyo University from 8 to 11 July, around 350 members of the linear collider community discussed for the first time a new global vision towards a linear collider facility, and how to make it happen somewhere in the world – in Japan or elsewhere. Ideas are concept-independent and everybody is invited to take part. This Director’s Corner summarises the discussion and gives an outlook on the next steps.
Jenny List | 17 November 2022
The International Development Team has a new member: Jenny List from DESY has taken over the leadership of the Physics and Detector Working Group. In her first Corner, she describes the changing future collider landscape and calls for a readjustment of the priorities and the role of the Physics and Detector community. State-of-the-art technologies and excellent software are essential for any future project, but a sharpened physics case for a Higgs factory is just as essential, she says.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
International Development Team, P5, physics and detectors, Snowmass, WG3
Jenny List, Jan Strube and Tomohiko Tanabe | 26 February 2021
The high-luminosity, polarised beams of the proposed International Linear Collider and the triggerless operation of its detectors offer rich physics opportunities beyond its Higgs-factory programme.