
Author archive: Sakue Yamada

About Sakue Yamada

Sakue Yamada (Emeritus Professor, University of Tokyo and KEK). Former ILC Research Director.

Important meetings to come, important discussions to happen

| 21 July 2011 The high-energy physics community is gearing up to learn the latest from the world’s large particle colliders, to be presented at conferences this summer. The reports may guide the future efforts of the ILC community coming after the detector community’s detailed baseline design. Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged: , , ,

Determining the cost of the ILC detectors

| 19 May 2011 Costing the two ILC detectors more precisely is one of the important activities for the ongoing ILC detector design work, and balancing detector cost and performance depends on the strategy of the detector groups. To learn whether there are differences among them, the groups undertake detailed coordination of their costing methodologies. Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged: , , ,

Planning the Detailed Baseline Design Report

| 24 March 2011 The scientists that make up the physics and detector side of the ILC community come together to create the Detailed Baseline Detector Report, a document that reflects the newest developments and requirements in detector R&D. Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged: , ,

New regional contact from Europe

| 20 January 2011 First of all a Happy New Year to all readers! We have now come over the middle point of the Letters-of-Intent (LOIs) process to produce a detailed baseline design (DBD) of the ILC detectors. The first half was very productive. Starting from the call for LOIs and establishing the advisory scheme, the International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG), we came through the validation, which included both hard work for preparation by many people and elaborated examination by IDAG. Much work on detector R&D and physics simulation is now being continued to be integrated into two detector systems by the two validated groups. While further efforts are needed towards the completion of DBD, it is timely to make an interim report now, and we are already working on it. Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged: , , ,

White paper on Comprehensive Project Design Guidance

| 21 October 2010 Recently the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC) published a white paper on the Comprehensive Project Design Guidance (CPDG), which describes the direction of the activity to promote ILC in its post-technical design phase beyond 2012. -- Sakue Yamada Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged: ,

What will happen after the DBD

| 19 August 2010 Right now, the two detector groups are striving to update their detector concepts towards the detailed baseline design (DBD) aimed to be completed in 2012. Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged: ,

ILC Detectors: more news since last IDAG meeting

| 17 June 2010 We have gained several helpful inputs from the new system of the International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG) monitoring global detectors after the validation. Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged: ,

New moves for the physics and detector activity

| 15 April 2010 A joint international linear collider workshop, LCWS10 and ILC10, held in Beijing last month initiated various new moves for the physics and detector activity of ILC. -- By Sakue Yamada Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged:

Detector groups work out their work plans

| 18 February 2010 In my report of last December, I wrote about detector activities in the new phase after validation. One of them was the effort of the two detector groups, ILD and SiD, to make the work plans towards their detailed baseline design aimed to be ready in 2012. -- Sakue Yamada Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged: , ,

Detector activities in the new stage

| 17 December 2009 The physics and detector activity for the ILC entered into a new stage after the validation of the Letters of Intent (LOIs) and following discussions during the American Linear Collider Physics Group (ALCPG) workshop in Albuquerque, US. Close to the turn of the year, I wish to survey what has been going on since then. -- By Sakue Yamada Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged: ,