
Category archive: Around the World

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From Injection Systems to Kickers, KEK and SLAC Successfully Collaborate on ATF

| 9 February 2006 Last November, a team of accelerator physicists from KEK and SLAC succeeded in extracting three bunches of electron beam each spaced by 154 nanoseconds from the storage ring in the Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) in Japan. (See ILC NewsLine, 10 November 2005) Using a "kicker magnet" with a pulse length of 310 nanoseconds, developed by SLAC, this important accomplishment delivered an ILC-like beam for the first time. Category: Around the World | Tagged:

The Events in the Period of Chinese New Year 2006

2 February 2006 The first day of the 2006 Chinese New Year was on 29 January 2006. Following the 6 January announcement that an international research collaboration observed a resonant state at the upgraded Beijing Spectrometer (BESII), scientists celebrated very good news at this important Chinese festival. The discovery, which was reported in the 31 December 2005 issue of the Physical Review Letters, has aroused broad interest from the global high-energy physics community (detailed report). We believe that more interesting discoveries could be found in BES-III of BEPC-II, which is under construction at IHEP, Beijing, China. Category: Around the World | Tagged:

EUDET Kick-off Meeting

26 January 2006 The start of the European Union funded EUDET project is marked by a Kick-off Meeting at DESY on 15 to 17 February, 2006. The project assembles 31 European institutes and 20 international associates to prepare infrastructures to allow for ILC detector R&D with larger prototypes. Category: Around the World | Tagged:

Meeting in Beijing

19 January 2006 After the Frascati meeting, Asian institutes started seeking ways to collaborate on ILC R&D towards Reference Design Report (RDR). About 30 researchers from Korea, China and Japan met at IHEP, Beijing on 16 January. Indian members were not able to attend, therefore this meeting was dubbed as "ILC-Beijing", not "ILC-Asia". Category: Around the World | Tagged:

Linear Collider School Now Accepting Applications

| 12 January 2006 The International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders is now accepting applications. Jointly organized by the GDE, International Linear Collider Steering Committee and the ICFA Beam Dynamics Panel, the school will take place at Sokendai in Hayama, Japan from 19-27 May 2006. The deadline to apply is 15 February 2006. Category: Around the World | Tagged:

Global R&D Board Evaluates Current Program

| 5 January 2006 The primary purpose of the newly appointed Global R&D Board is to oversee and define a balanced R&D program for the three regions involved with the International Linear Collider. Slightly different from the other two boards GDE Director Barry Barish established, the R&D board will have to coordinate the many existing projects and evaluate new proposals, which are funded in three different regions. Category: Around the World | Tagged:

Live from Frascati

| 8 December 2005 On a hill overlooking the city of Rome, the GDE members arrived by the busload yesterday at INFN in Frascati, Italy. GDE Director Barry Barish opened the meeting by evaluating how much progress the 61-member organization has made during the past three months.