
Category archive: Director’s Corner, 2011

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Congratulations to Michel Davier

| 2 June 2011 Michel Davier, an important member of the International Linear Collider community, has been awarded the prestigious André Lagarrigue Prize in France. For the International Linear Collider, he chairs the special committee that has provided advice and guidance to the Research Director regarding the enabling R&D and detector design programmes for the ILC. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,

Global Design Effort optimises industralisation models

| 26 May 2011 As part of Technical Design Phase 2, the Global Design Effort has been working towards more realistic and cost-effective industrialisation models for the production of superconducting radiofrequency cavities and cryomodules, as these are primary cost drivers in the ILC construction estimate. To that end, they have been organising a series of visit to cavity and material manufacturers and workshops. The next one is in July 2011 in Chicago, US. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,

Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer launches!

| 19 May 2011 A major particle physics mission, Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, has been successfully launched. This sophisticated cosmic ray detector will use the International Space Station as a platform to perform precision measurements of cosmic radiation emanating from space. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,

How to become an accelerator physicist

| 12 May 2011 The Sixth International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders will take place at the Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California, USA from 6 to 17 November 2011. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , ,

One hundred years of superconductivity

| 5 May 2011 This year is the 100th anniversary of the discovery of superconductivity in 1911, the central technology employed in modern particle accelerators. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ,

The new baseline and the next steps

| 28 April 2011 The new ILC baseline shows the way to designing a linear collider that maintains original performance while using cost-saving alternatives. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,

Positron source relocated to the end of the linac

| 21 April 2011 The last of four proposed major changes to the ILC baseline is to move the positron source to the end of the linac. That proposal has been adopted after evaluating the advantages and the possible options to retain low-energy performance. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,

Low-power option adopted for ILC technical design baseline

| 14 April 2011 Establishing a new baseline for the ILC technical design requires balancing performance, cost and risk issues. A proposal to halve the number of bunches in the machine, reducing power and cost has been approved, following a one-year study of all the impacts. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , , , ,

ILCSC reviews GDE progress and plans

| 7 April 2011 The International Linear Collider Steering Committee met in Beijing in February and carried out their review of the Global Design Effort progress. They also had lively and informative discussions regarding the future of the worldwide efforts towards the ILC and beyond 2012. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ,

I have a dream…

| 31 March 2011 Is it possible to build a strong, long-term and globally coordinated accelerator R&D programme? Most probably, and Jean-Pierre Delahaye wishes to. In this week’s director’s corner, he explains how, referring to a review of new accelerator projects he presented at ICHEP2010 conference in Paris last year. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ,